I had no reason to say no. I spent the day with Billy and didn’t have any plans for tonight other than to hand out candy to anyone who’d dare let their kids out at night in my neighborhood.

Smoothing my hands down my costume, I turn left and right, checking out my silhouette in the mirror. When Erik asked if I had a costume, I told him I was covered. I love Halloween and actually have several I’d worn over the years, particularly to some of the huge parties and clubs I’d been to in LA on the spooky holiday. But this was my favorite, not only because it was sexy, but because it made me feel strong and invincible.

The knock at my door startles me and my heart starts racing. I wonder what Erik will think when he sees me. He was ever the gentleman last night and I wonder if that will hold true tonight. Part of me doesn’t want him to be, because even if he doesn’t, I remember all too clearly just how amazing that one night with him was.

But the reasonable part of me—the one that’s telling me not to get too caught up in all of this—wants him to maintain some distance so I can ease into this. I wasn’t looking for anything and even though it’s true that Erik and I are different people than we were five years ago, I also know he’s been a partying playboy for a lot of years. It’s an easy lifestyle, I’m sure.

Way easier than dating a woman who helps to care for her disabled younger brother.

I walk to the front door, wobbling only slightly on the platform, spike-heeled boots. I’ll steady up once I can walk around a bit but it’s been a long time since I’ve worn heels this high.

When I open the door, I forget all about wondering what Erik will think of my costume and instead just get lost in the magnificence before me.

He’s a pirate.

An enormous, sexy and garishly dressed pirate. He’s totally turned into Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. Red scarf around the top of his head, holding in place what looks to be a really authentic wig that’s a combo of dreadlocks, beads, and braids. Billowy white shirt, gray vest, and white sash around his waist. Well fitted black pants and pirate boots. Someone must have helped him with the accessories as his eyes are perfectly lined with thick kohl just like Jack Sparrow’s in the movies. He even shaved leaving only a mustache and chin goatee.

“Wow,” I say appreciatively as I take him in. “That costume is amazing.”

He doesn’t reply but merely lets his eyes roam all over me. I put one hand on my hip and cock it just so. “Do you like?”

Erik sticks his index finger out and makes a twirling motion indicating he wants me to turn around. I do so he can take in my Catwoman costume. It’s made of shiny black, stretchy-like vinyl complete with white haphazard stitching at the seams. It fits me like a second skin and the only way I was able to get into it by myself was that it has a zipper up the back with a tassel on it that gives me the ability to close it up. It comes with a mask that conforms perfectly to my face, arching just along my cheekbones and keeping my chin and mouth bare. I did my eyes up in dark eyeliner and painted the deepest red stain on my lips.

When I spin back around to face Erik, he’s grinning at me lecherously. “I know it would be totally inappropriate to suggest we skip the party and let me see just how difficult it would be to get you out of that thing, so I’m not going to do it.”

“Good thing,” I sniff at him with faux primness. “We’re only dating, not sleeping together.”

“This is true,” he admits and I’m both charmed that he backed off that easy and a little disappointed. I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard at all for Erik to convince me to skip the party, but I’m very taken with how easily he put that aside. I’m not foolish enough to believe that sex isn’t important to Erik. Hell, it’s important to me too.

But it doesn’t seem to be his driving focus with me, and that’s just…refreshing and I want to enjoy it.

On the way over to Legend’s house, Erik asks me about my day with Billy. I tell him we carved pumpkins, made fall cookies and did trick or treating around the nurses’ stations.

He asks me something that strikes me deep in the heart. “Does Billy know what hockey is?”

“Sure,” I tell him. “My dad was a big sports nut and they would watch stuff together. I can’t say that he’s watched it a lot or even lately, but he knows I work for a pro hockey team.”