All of a sudden he sits up, sexy time forgotten. “Have you had another man in this bed?”

“I—” I pause, unsure how to answer that. Of course I haven’t slept with anyone else since Jasper—I’m not even over him yet. But the way he frames it is like he has been in this bed before, which he obviously hasn’t. His phrasing throws me a little, and he seems to misunderstand why.

No longer content to lie there and let me show him how much I’ve missed him, he’s up on his knees, prowling toward me.

My heart skitters, even though I’m not really afraid of him. It reminds me of that first night in the motel room, but now my feelings are so twisted around him, desire mingles with the wariness as I crawl back away from him.

A tiny scream of surprise erupts when he grabs me and throws me down, pinning me beneath his weight and climbing on top of me.

“Have you been a bad girl, Autumn? Have you been letting someone who isn’t me play with this sweet little pussy?”

My heart sinks down into my stomach as he cups me between the thighs again, this time far more aggressively.

“No,” I say, shaking my head vehemently. I’m too forceful though, it sounds like a lie. “I haven’t, I—”

Jasper pushes a gloved finger into me, sinking it deep without preamble. I shift my hips, trying to accommodate the intrusion.

“Who?” he demands. “I’m warning you now, you better not say Brady.”

“Ew,” I say, my face twisting with disgust. I can’t believe he would even suggest that.

My reaction makes him smile a little, but not for long. He’s still mad as hell about my imaginary lover, so he startles me, shoving the T-shirt into my face like I’m a puppy that had an accident on the carpet.

“Who does this belong to?”

I breathe in his scent—what’s still lingering on the fabric, anyway. It was starting to fade, so I’m glad the big jerk paid me a visit. I’m going to steal the shirt he’s wearing now as soon as he stops being a jealous asshole.

I savor how stupid he’s going to feel when I look up at him calmly and tell him, “You.”

He wasn’t prepared for that answer. Surprise flickers across his handsome features. He pauses in his thunderous stance, then looks at the shirt. “Me?”

I nod, a positively angelic smile on my face. “It’s yours.”

He frowns like he doesn’t quite believe me, then he opens the neck of the shirt and peeks at the tag.

“Oh,” he says flatly. “It is mine.”

I roll my eyes at him, grabbing his sides and yanking him closer so he’s within kissing range. “Come here, you big jerk. Since you’re here, you might as well kiss me.”

He still has a finger inside me, so as he kisses me, he drops the shirt and starts rubbing the walls of my pussy, stoking my pleasure. “I thought you were fucking somebody else.”

“Yeah, I got that,” I murmur, kissing the corner of his mouth.

“I thought I was gonna have to kill some unlucky bastard tonight.” He pushes his gloved hand through my hair, then slides it down to cradle my neck. His grip tightens as he kisses my jaw. “I’d make you watch.” He kisses his way to my mouth, flicking his tongue out and pressing it to the seam of my lips. I open for him and he kisses me hard before murmuring against my mouth. “Make you touch yourself while I’m doing it.”

Between his psychotic words and the way he’s touching and kissing me, he has me breathing heavier, slightly worried about my own sanity for being so turned on by the twisted picture he just painted.

I shake my head to clear it, then lock my arms around his neck to keep him close. “You’re a crazy man.”

“To be fair, you knew that from jump.”

“I did,” I agree, sighing with pleasure as he buries his face in my neck and starts to kiss me there. “But in my defense, even if I had slept with someone else, I never expected to see you again. If you expect me to be chaste as a schoolgirl when you’re not around, that’s the kind of thing you need to tell me.”

He grumbles something unintelligible, but I’m too distracted by him nipping my earlobe to pay it any mind. Shivers of pleasure dance down my spine and I hold onto him tighter.

“I’m also going to expect the same from you,” I inform him, since he hasn’t acknowledged what I said. “If you think I’m going to wait here for you to visit while you’re fucking everything in Chicago, you are very much mistaken.”

Finally, he pulls back to look at me like I’ve said just about the dumbest thing he can imagine. “I don’t want anyone in Chicago. The only pussy I want is this one.”