Page 17 of Say It's Not Fake

Leaning down he kissed the top of her red curls, and I felt myself wither up and die inside. “You hate watching basketball. We were just saving you from hours of mind-numbing boredom,” he assured her.

I watched the two of them chat, feeling like a total outsider. I never used to feel that way. Even though Kyle had been Meg’s friend, there was something between us—even from the beginning. I hadn’t known what it was for years. He had been my sister’s buddy. Slightly annoying in the way he followed me around, but deep down, I liked it. He was sweet and funny, and really smart. And he made me feel beautiful and funny and smart. It was easy to become addicted to that sort of feeling. I hadn’t known how addicted I was until I didn’t have it anymore. And then it was too late to do anything about it.

“Come join us, Web,” Meg pleaded in a way that she expected his agreement.

She underestimated his need to stay away from me.

Kyle looked at me again. A dozen emotions crossed over his face. I only wished I could figure out what they were.

“Yeah, join us,” I added weakly.

Kyle’s eyes were troubled and perhaps a little conflicted. Then he was looking at Meg again. “I wish I could, but I have to pick up Katie from Mom and Dad’s,” he said.

At the mention of his daughter, I perked up. “How is Katie?” I couldn’t help asking. I spent some time with the little girl over Christmas and had been completely enchanted by her.

Kyle smiled then, and I found myself smiling back. “She’s great. Starting daycare in a few days. Mom loves having her, but keeping up with a toddler is hard work.” I could tell by the hesitation in his voice that he was nervous about taking her to daycare.

I took a step toward him, my hand on the bar by his—not touching, but close. I could almost feel the heat of his fingers against mine. “She’ll do great. Plus, it’s good for kids to hang out with other kids. At least that’s what I’ve heard. Not that I would know anything about kids.” I laughed, but it sounded jagged.

If Kyle heard it, he ignored the strangeness of my rambling. “Yeah, so I’ve been told. Anyway, I’d better get going.” Our moment, if you could call it that, was over. He gave Meg a squeeze and me a halfhearted wave before paying his tab and heading for the door.

“Well, that wasn’t weird or anything,” Meg muttered as we made our way back to the booth where we had been sitting.

“Hey, I’m sorry for being a jerk earlier. I don’t know what my problem was,” I told her.

Meg frowned. “Sure, just stop being a jerk, okay?”

“Easier said than done, I think.” I tried to laugh again, but that edginess was still there.

Meg swirled the melting ice in her drink. “So, back to you and Web. Do you think you finally want to tell me what happened between the two of you?”

“Kyle’s a good guy. I wasn’t so nice to him. End of story.”

“Yeah, you said all that before. But things have been super tense between the two of you since you came home. It’s like you’re dancing around each other without acknowledging what’s really going on.” She raised an eyebrow. “You know he was majorly in love with you for years, right?”

My heart swelled and then deflated like a popped balloon.

“Yeah, I do. But that was a long time ago.”

“And he went to LA to stay with you,” Meg continued.

“He did.” I hated thinking about that weekend. It filled me with shame. And longing. And regret.

“What happened?” she prodded.

“Why does it matter?” I countered.

She leaned on the table toward me, her expression hard and unyielding. “Because he’s one of my best friends and you’re my pain-in-the-ass sister. And we live in this tiny, little town that isn’t nearly big enough for your issues.”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no issue.” I downplayed it just right. She stared at me for a few minutes, obviously debating whether to make me tell her. She’d be waiting a while. Kyle hadn’t told anyone, and I wouldn’t either. There were some things best left in the past.

“Okay, whatever. Keep your secrets.” She was irritated with me again.

I took her hand and smiled at her. “Thank you for caring, though.”

Meg’s expression immediately softened. “Of course, I care about you, doofus. You’re my big sister, and I love you. And I’m really glad to have you home.”

Gah, she was trying to wear me down with her unrelenting affection. She was brutal.

“Glad to be here,” I said with just enough sincerity to be believable.

Chapter 3


The sound of my cell phone ringing pulled me out of a deep sleep.