Page 67 of Say It's Not Fake

Now we were standing out on the sidewalk, the sun baking down. “I hate the word ‘temporary’,” Kyle said, shielding his eyes from the brightness.

“Why is Josie being so agreeable? She didn’t even contest the temporary custody?” I asked, automatically suspicious of Kyle’s ex and her motives. I barely knew Josie. I only remembered her as one of Chelsea’s hangers-ons. Not a girl that was memorable in her own right. But if she had been friends with Chelsea “I think I’m hot shit” Sloane, it didn’t speak highly of her character, even if Kyle had been involved with her.

“Because she can’t be asked to fly up here and fight for her daughter,” Kyle grumbled his expression hard.

“That and it proves that she has Katie’s best interest at heart. Her lawyer says she’s finishing up training for a new job that she starts next week. She’s secured housing and is continuing to go to her weekly therapy sessions. She’s painting a picture for the judge. Just as you and Whitney are doing.” Adam checked the time on his phone. “Are you guys okay? I have a meeting in thirty minutes that I need to go and prepare for. But if you want to process some more, we can grab a coffee—”

“No, you go ahead. Thanks, man.” Kyle pulled out his keys, jangling them in his hand.

Adam looked from Kyle to me. “Things good with you two?” There was a note of something in his voice. Something I didn’t want to look at too closely.

“Fine. Why wouldn’t they be?” Kyle asked, sounding defensive.

“That’s good. Because you selling this marriage is going to be the lynchpin in this whole thing. You need to be a happy family when the GAL comes over.” He smirked. “That also means it’ll need to look as if you’re sleeping in the same room. Maybe you should practice to make sure you get it right.”

Kyle shoved Adam. “Get the fuck out of here already. Don’t you have someplace to be?”

Adam held his hands up in surrender. “I get the point. See you guys later.” He winked and then jogged to his car before Kyle could deck him.

“Okay, so I’m going to call and set up the home visit now. Are you heading back to work?” Kyle asked, pulling out his phone.

“I took the afternoon off actually. I told Mom I’d have lunch with her.” I paused. “You’re welcome to join us if you want.”

“Thanks, but I’ve got to head over to the Jefferson Street job. I told Lucky and Mary I’d come help with the fence they’re staining.” He slid on his sunglasses, and I had to work hard not to swoon. He had no idea how handsome he was. No idea at all. “So, I’ll see you at home later?”

Every part of my body warmed up with the word ‘home.’

“I’ll be there.” And then I gave him a thumbs up. Jesus, I was so lame.

Kyle gave me a quizzical look. “Okay, I’ll pick up take-out then. Any preferences?”

“Nope. Surprise me,” I said with a smile.

“Be careful what you wish for,” Kyle warned, holding the phone to his ear. “Do you need a ride to your mom’s?”

“I’m fine. I told her I’d meet her in town.” When had this become so easy? Talking about rides and take-out and seeing each other at home.

“Alright, then. See you later.” He reached out and squeezed my hand before heading to his truck. His touches were becoming frequent. A caress of his hand. A hug. A kiss on the cheek that lingered a little longer than was necessary.

Did he realize what he was doing? What his hands were saying even when his mouth was silent?

I watched Kyle pull out of the parking lot before heading into town. I passed the town square and saw that Marla and her committee were starting to set up for the Apple Blossom Carnival, which was scheduled to start two weekends from now. Kyle and his crew had really done an amazing job on the square.

I saw his pride at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. I had stood by his side, happy to share his accomplishment with him. I knew everyone watched us. Wondered about us. The quickness of our marriage was a source of endless speculation. But for once, I hadn’t cared. I was proud to stand beside him. To be his wife, even if it was only temporary.

I walked into Dana’s Deli and immediately saw Mom at the front. She had claimed the two-seater table by the window.

“Hey, Mom.’ I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

“Hi, Sweetheart. How did court go this morning? I already ordered you an iced tea.”

I sat down and took a long drink of the tea.

“It went well. Kyle was awarded temporary physical custody, which was no surprise. Though Josie has been granted visitation, which I doubt she’ll actually follow up on. Katie has been given a guardian ad litem who will be coming around to do a home visit,” I told her, taking a menu and looking it over.