And I couldn’t help it. My lips twisted in a little snarl before I quickly hid it away again.

Yeah, he’ll have her, won’t he? And an image of them came to me, alone in that house, looking at each other, bumping into each other, connecting and shit…I sat up and threw off my seatbelt.

“If Gabriel wanted you guys to think, he would’ve put you in charge,” I mumbled. “I’ll be back.”

Fat raindrops pummeled the cap on my head, and I squinted through the downpour, stuffing my gloved fingers in my pockets and running up the cement slab stairs.

I rang the doorbell.

This place was a dump. Dingy-looking, overgrown and neglected landscaping, and a filthy porch, strewn with newspapers, empty flower pots, and dead leaves. Why did he live here? I’m sure he could’ve moved into Delcour—Michael Crist’s high-rise, luxury apartment building on the other side of the river—for free. Erika Fane and Will Grayson lived there, so why did Kai choose to stay so far away, here, and without his friends?

Of course, I knew where he lived when he bought this place a year ago, but it didn’t occur to me to be bothered by it then.

Now, since I had to ready this pit for a wife, I was starting to realize how much work needed to be done.

I hit the doorbell again, growing aggravated. Where the hell was he?

I pounded on the screen door, the old wood hitting the frame with each knock. “Hello,” I called out, more like a demand than a question.

Peering through the window to my right, I could make out a dusty floor and a small, overturned table, the rest hidde

n from view by the yellowing plastic shade hanging by one corner over the window.

Suspicion crept in as I stood up straight again.

This didn’t feel right. No one lived here.

I never got the impression Kai Mori needed a palace to be content, but he was definitely the sort of man who took pride in himself and anything that belonged to him. He took care of his shit, and this place was not taken care of.

I glanced up to the top of the hill, to my right, seeing a big, gray stone house. A little small to be considered a mansion, but it was damn close. It was surrounded by a tall, black gate, and it was Kai’s only neighbor. I should’ve researched who lived there. Made sure they weren’t nosey.

Casting a quick glance back at the car, I couldn’t see Lev through the tinted windows in the back, but I could see David in the front, watching me.

Fuck it. Turning back around, I swung open the screen door and twisted the knob, finding it unlocked. I pushed the door open and hesitantly took a step inside, my gaze shifting left to right as I took in the inside of Kai Mori’s house.

Gray light hit the floors, streaming through filthy windows while shadows of raindrops danced across the dingy wood. Dust-covered sheets lay over objects which looked like chairs and tables and one couch.

Leaving the door open, I walked slowly into the living room, taking in the fireplace with its soot-stained brick and a pile of charcoaled kindling before heading to the kitchen and taking in the 50’s refrigerator and stove, as well as the ancient linoleum and retro-pink countertops.

I choked out a laugh. Jesus. Who was he kidding? This wasn’t his house. No fucking way.

Charging back through the foyer, I climbed the stairs, taking two at a time and walked into two bedrooms and a bathroom, none of which looked lived in. There was no food, no used dishes, no tooth brushes, no laundry, no TV, no lamps...

Until I walked down the hall, entering the last room, and looked around. I stopped, instantly seeing a bed. The only room with one.

There were sheets on the bed, and it was perfectly made. Was I supposed to believe he just slept here then?

“Hello!” I called out again.

But I heard nothing but the sound of rain outside.

Walking out of the room, I entered the hallway and threw open some closet doors, checking every nook and cranny. The shelves were empty, not even containing bath towels.

What’s with the mystery here, Kai? “Hello!” I bellowed.

I closed the last door and turned, suddenly seeing him standing right in front of me.

I gasped, my heart stopping so hard it hurt. “Shit!” I burst out, breathing fast as he just stood there. “Where the hell did you come from?”