
Take me anywhere else.

“You want him to take you home?” My brother looked down at me, daring me with his icy voice.

It wasn’t a choice, though.

I would love to be someone else, somewhere else, but this was it. Damon needed me. Kai didn’t. What would happen to my brother if I broke his heart?

I reached over and took his hand, shaking my head.

And I could feel Kai’s silence like a knife slicing through my gut.

“Well, this is fucking fun,” Will chimed in. “Come on, man, leave her alone.” He nudged Kai. “Damon’s got dibs. What does it matter?”

“Since when does Damon give a shit about dibs?” Kai barked at Will. “If one’s not available, he moves onto the next. No one woman is worth the trouble, right?” He challenged my brother. “You’ve never put a girl before us. What if I want her, too?”

“Well, you can’t have her,” Damon shot back. “It’s kind of nice having one piece of pure, clean pussy all to myself.”

Vomit rose up from my stomach as laughter went off around the circle.

Damon turned to me. “Who do you belong to? Who do you love?”

I shook my head, anger shredding every bit of happiness I’d just felt down in that grave. Goddamn him.

But blood was forever.

“I love you,” I said, looking up at him.

And I caught the glint of relief in his eyes before they turned hard again. Did he actually have any doubt?

He kissed my forehead. “Go to my room and wait there,” he instructed, slapping me on the ass and looking back to his friends. “I may want a piece when I get home. Whenever that’ll be.”

Chuckles surrounded me again, and David put his hand on my back, leading me away.

The four of us walked toward the SUV, leaving my brother and his friends, but I caught his warning to Kai as I pulled my hood back up.

“No one else touches her,” he told him. “Not ever.”

No. Not ever.



Kai Genato Mori, I read to myself. Born: September 28, Thunder Bay…no siblings.

Page after page detailed his life, his impeccable grades, and his basketball and swimming stats.

And his arrest and activity since he’d gotten out more than a year ago.

Aside from what got him arrested—assaulting a child-abuser who just happened to also be a cop—he had always been a model kid. He knew how to party but never went over the limit like Will.

He enjoyed women, but they never seemed to hate him for it like they did Damon.

And he could be tough and hard and scary, but it never came off as mean like it did with Michael.

Kai was the best of their whole little crew.