But he tightened his arms around her, jostling her as he growled in her ear. “I have to register as a sex offender in any city I move to now because of you.”


She dropped out of his arms, landing on the floor, and scrambled toward the door.

He let her run. It was fun to watch.

She ran into the hallway and slammed into the bannister, nearly bending in half. Grabbing hold of it, she raced down the length, letting it lead her toward the staircase and then ran down the steps and toward the front door.

“That guy who left here earlier…” he called out from up above her. “Are you letting him fuck you?”

She clasped the door handle, feeling a roll of nausea. No. He was here then? He saw Ethan?

“Because if you are,” his smooth, deep tone carried down the stairs as the sound of his footsteps grew closer. “I’m going to string him up right here in your house. Right after I make him watch how I fuck what’s mine.”

She closed her eyes against the burn as tears fell. Her hands shook so hard she could barely twist the lock.

“Just think about it…” Damon continued.

Shut up.

“You could walk around this place for days and never know he was swinging around dead right above you.”

She yanked at the chain, sliding and pulling it, trying to free it.

“Or sitting at your kitchen table in one of the empty seats with a wire around his neck and his tongue hanging out of his mouth,” he taunted more, his voice growling closer.

And then he slammed his hands against the door on both sides of her head, making her jump. She cried out as he bore down in her ear.

“Poor girl,” he whispered. “You might not even know there’s a dead body here until it starts to smell and flies swarm the rotting flesh.”

She spun around and whipped the back of her fist across his face. “I’ll call the police!”

“Go for it.” He chuckled, unfazed by the slap. “Let’s see if you can pick me out of a line-up.”

She shook her head. He was the devil.

But once, she thought he was an angel. A dark and beautiful angel.

Bile rose up from her stomach. She was going to be sick.

He grabbed her, though, holding her so tight she could barely breathe. He threaded a fist through the back of her hair, forcing her to face him.

“I asked you for one thing,” he gritted out, his breath falling on her lips. “Loyalty. The onl

y thing I demanded from you.”

She cried out, her scalp burning. “You lied to me!”

“And you sent me to prison for three years, and girl, that does not make us even by a long shot.”

Then he released her, throwing her off. She clenched her teeth and held out her hands again, ready for him.

“Rika may not have deserved my anger and vengeance, but baby, you’ve earned every inch of what’s coming to you.” He reached out and gripped her jaw. “And you know it, Little Devil.”

She jerked away from his touch, and he yanked her away from the door, twisting all the locks and opening it.

He’d seen her betrayal with his own eyes. There was no mistake this time.