It only hits me a second later what I just did, and my eyes slowly turn to where I’m touching Jade. My lips part and an overwhelming sense of relief floods me.

I just gained something precious back.

Another simple touch.

My eyes dart to Jade’s, and I see her watching me with a hawk eye.

A wide smile spreads over my face, and I give her arm a squeeze before I pull back.

I don’t even notice Jessica leaving, and I couldn’t care less about her as my eyes scan over my friends. They all saw the touch and have equally huge smiles on their faces.

Small wins, Mila. Each one counts.Chapter 23JASEIt’s been four days since I’ve returned to classes, and Mila seems to be getting better every day.

She’s smiling more, and her appetite is back. Every little step she takes back to being her old self is a win and makes pride grow in my chest.

I’m holding off for a couple of days before I start my weekly visits to my grandfather again.

With it being Friday, we’d usually hit the club, but that’s the last place we’ll be going back to any time soon. Instead, we decided to spend a quiet night at home and play Pictionary.

Hana is setting up the drawing board while Noah and Kao grab us snacks and drinks.

We’ve paired up in teams. Grinning at Mila, I ask, “How good are your drawing skills?”

She shakes her head. “I suck. Big time.”

A chuckle escapes me as I wrap an arm around her neck, and pulling her against me, I plant a kiss to her temple. “We’ll kick ass.”

When everyone is ready, Fallon and Kao start. I turn the timer over, and Fallon begins to make a circle.

“Ball?” Kao guesses.

Fallon shakes her head and continues to draw various circles with bites taken from them.

“Dude, come on,” I taunt Kao.

“Moon!” he yells like he’s guessed the cure for cancer.

Fallon does a happy dance then hands the marker to Jade.

When it’s finally Mila’s turn, she stares at the board for a second, and then my eyes widen as she draws what looks like a cock shooting its load.

“Seriously?” I ask. I glance at the Pictionary box. “Is this the dirty version because all I can see is a cock shooting its load.”

“What?” Mila shrieks. “Nooooo!”

She keeps adding more dots above the head.

I let out a chuckle. “Still just seeing an orgasm.”

“Time!” Hana yells.

Mila looks at her drawing then gives me an incredulous look. “It’s fireworks.”

I let out a bark of laughter. “Same thing, babe.”

Shaking her head with a wide smile on her face, she sits down next to me, mumbling, “You and your one-track mind.”

Leaning closer to her, I whisper, “Yeah, and it keeps leading to you.”

Mila’s eyes snap to mine as I pull back, and I see the look of confusion on her face as she tries to figure out the meaning behind my words.

I’ve been getting that look a lot from her this week, like she’s trying to put a puzzle together, but she’s missing a piece.

Soon, babe. Soon.

The attraction has come back, a million times more potent than before the attack. Every time I touch her, I have to concentrate on keeping my grip soft. When I kiss her, it takes all my willpower to not give in to my need to devour her.

Light and sweet are killing me, but I won’t give until Mila’s ready.MILA

It feels like I’m losing my grip on reality.

With everyone’s eyes on me, it has a knot tightening in my chest, every day a little more.

It’s getting easier to pretend, though, and it’s working because my friends have returned to their old routines. Even Jase is back to his old self.

Kind of.

Instead of my forehead, he now kisses me on the mouth, and I don’t know what to make of it. I don’t want to read too much into it, but every kiss has me wondering if he’s doing it out of pity.

I don’t want Jase to pity me.

And the rest of Trinity? They keep staring and whispering. It’s been a week since I’ve returned, and they still haven’t gotten something new to gossip about.

It’s exhausting.

And then there’s Jessica with her glares and know-it-all smile on her stupid face.

I let out a sigh where I’m sitting next to Jase as we drive to CRC Holdings’ head office to see Mr. Cutler, Hana’s father. He’s working on the case against Justin and needs to interview me.

The thought makes the knot tighten more.

Mom and Dad will be there. During their daily calls to check on me, I could hear their worry, and I’ve avoided seeing them.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to fool them today into believing I’m fully recovered.

Jase brings his car to a stop in a VIP parking bay. I climb out and walk around the vehicle to him. He takes my hand, and I drink in the feel of his strong fingers gripping mine.