Grinning because the outfit makes me feel sexy, I step into a pair of heels.

We have to dress up as all-time couples, and I have no idea who we’re going as.

I check my hair that Jase asked me to wear up, then walk out of the room. When I reach the living room, my jaw drops open, seeing Jade and Hunter dressed as Daenerys and Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. Jade looks stunning with a white wig on.

“You two look epic,” I gasp. “Wow.”

Then Fallon joins us, and she looks freaking powerful in the tight-fitting black dress that feathers out around her feet.

“Where’s my Gomez,” she calls.

Kao comes rushing into the room, and when his eyes fall on Fallon, he freezes and stares.

Fallon goes to hook her arms through his, then grins at me. “We’re Morticia and Gomez from The Adams Family.”

Damn, my friends went all out for the Halloween ball.

Hana and Noah paired up for the dance, and I grin, asking, “Sandy and Danny from Grease, right?”

“Yes, it was the easiest to pull off,” Hana explains.

Fallon lets out a bark of laughter, staring at something behind me. I glance over my shoulder, and the moment I lay eyes on Jase, I clap my hands. “Oh, my God.”

He’s dressed in a black suit, wearing a pair of reading glasses. The white dress shirt hangs open, and he had the Superman symbol painted onto his chest.

Damn, those abs.

Walking to my very own Clark Kent, I frame his jaw and press a kiss to his lips, then go back to staring at the S on his chest.

Yeah, I’m about to start drooling.

Jase adjusts the glasses. “Hey, Lois. You look totally fuckable in that dress.”

Since we became an official couple, Jase doesn’t care who’s around to hear. He just says exactly what he’s thinking.

And I love him for it.JASE“My girl wanted Superman, so goddamn, I’ll give her Superman,” I say, and wrapping my arm around Mila’s waist, I pull her closer.

Her hands come up, but then they don’t know where to settle, and she just rears back. “I don’t want the body paint on my dress.”

I yank her right against me, then lower my head to hers. “It won’t. Now fucking kiss me.”

She keeps the kiss light, nibbling at my lips.

Then I brush my jaw along hers and whisper, “I have a surprise for you tonight.”

She pulls back, and her eyes sparkle up at me. “Yeah?”

“Well, actually a couple.” I bring my arm from behind my back and hold the box to her. “Starting with this.”

Mila’s eyes first dart to my face before they lower to the gift. She carefully takes it from me, and when she flips it open, her lips part.

“I chose emeralds because they’re green like kryptonite.” Lifting the emerald encrusted diamond necklace, I place it around her neck and clasp it. “You’re my only weakness.”

“Holy shit, who knew Jase could be romantic,” Fallon whispers.

I had the necklace and teardrop earrings set made for Mila. I’m just glad BVLGARI was able to get it to me on time.

Mila’s eyes are shining with unshed tears as she puts on the earrings, then she wraps her arms around my neck and looking deep into my eyes, she says, “And you’re my only strength. Thank you so much for the beautiful gift. I’ll treasure it.”

“Always, babe.” I press a quick kiss to her lips, then glance over her head at the others, and say, “Let’s get this night over with.”

Linking my fingers with Mila’s, we leave the suite, and for the first time, I take the lead with Hunter and Jade following at the rear.

Yeah, I guess the dynamics of the group are still going to change a lot.

I keep my pace slow as we walk to where the function is being held in.

“Nice costumes, guys,” Nate compliments us as we enter the hall.

Mila begins to pull her hand from mine, and it has me frowning. “Where are you going?”

“To sit.” She gestures to our designated table at the front.

Shaking my head, I say, “I have to make my rounds first, and I’m not letting you leave my side.”

“Oh,” the words pop from her lips.

Every table I stop at, I make sure to greet students from families who do business with CRC Holdings.

I keep Nate for last, and when I reach him, I hold out my hand.

There’s a weary look in his eyes as he shakes it.

“I assume your father told you about the deal we just closed?” I ask.

Nate nods. “Thank you for not letting what happened between you and my friends affect the business deal.”

I keep hold of his eyes for a while, then say, “You’re the only one who told me the truth. I’ll always remember that.”

A smile spreads over Nate’s face. “I look forward to working with you, Jase.”