When he frees my mouth, I stand and gasp for air like a fish out of water. “Wow,” I breathe. “If that’s your way of punishing me for not coming to you with a problem, I’m going to start hiding everything from you.”

A sexy smirk pulls at his lips. “Don’t you fucking dare. Next time I’m spanking you.”

I can’t resist as a grin settles on my face, and I lower my voice, “Is that a promise?”

“Fuck, woman. You’ll be the death of me.” He begins to lower his head again, but then there’s a knock at the door, and it has Jase shouting, “What?”

Fallon pushes the door open, and when she sees us standing so close to each other, a broad smile stretches over her face. “I’m here to steal Mila.” She takes hold of my arm and pulls me away from Jase. “Come on. We have a date.”

“What date?” Jase begins to frown darkly.

“A girl’s night. Chill.” Fallon lets out a chuckle as we walk to the living room. “Time for facials and relaxing. We haven’t done this in a long while, and my skin is drying out.”

Hana and Jade are already waiting, and I go sit next to my cousin. Taking her right hand in mine, I brush my finger over the redness on her knuckles. “We should put ice on it.” I get up and rush to the fridge.

Pulling a pack of peas out, I go back to Jade, who grins at me as she says, “I’m not going to lie. I’m loving the attention.”

I press the pack to the back of her hand, and resting my head on her shoulder, I croon, “My hero.”JASEWhile Mila is spending some time with the girls, I call the campus’ office to make sure Jessica is removed from Trinity.

After taking care of business, I go take a shower. Resting my hands on the tiles, I let the water pour over the back of my neck. And then my thoughts return to this weekend and the kiss we just shared. If Fallon hadn’t interrupted us, I would’ve had Mila naked by now.

Since I’ve seen her naked, it’s sent my desire for her into overdrive, and I’ve been walking around with fucking blue balls.

I bring up the image of Mila’s mouth on my cock. Her silky black strands scattered over my skin. I grip my cock, and I begin to pump it, imagining I’m finally getting to sink balls deep into her tight pussy.

I tilt my head back, letting the water run over my face and down my body. Pleasure sizzles down my spine, and I thrust faster until the sound of my hand pumping my cock fills the bathroom. Fuck. I suck in a breath and hold it as the orgasm shudders through me.

Christ, if it’s that intense just fantasizing about Mila, what’s the real thing going to be like?

I better jerk off a lot, so I last longer than a minute when I finally have sex with her.

I quickly wash before I step out of the shower and get dressed. Feeling lighter, I have a grin on my face as I walk out of my room.

Feeling lighter. I let out a chuckle. You almost blew a hole in the wall.

I go to the kitchen and grab a water from the fridge. I lean against the counter and uncapping the bottle, I drink half of it with my eyes resting on Mila. She glances at me, and the mask in her hands is instantly forgotten in her hands as her lips part.

Setting the half-empty bottle down, I stalk over to where she’s sitting, and framing her face, I press a hard kiss to her mouth. I let it linger before I move my lips to her ear, and I whisper, “I just had the best fucking orgasm in the shower while fantasizing about you. But I still wish you were there.” I pull back and grin at her.

Mila stares at me with a mixture of shock and heat, then she drops the mask on the couch and darts up. She grabs hold of my shoulders, and lifting to her tiptoes, she proceeds to rock my world with a hungry kiss, not caring that our friends are watching.

I want her legs wrapped around my waist so I can carry her back to my room, but knowing she has to spend time with her friends, I let her control the kiss.

When Mila pulls back, she winks at me before taking her seat again. Her gaze drifts over her friends' shocked expressions, and it has Mila saying, “Pick up your jaws from the floor.”

Hana looks at me, then to Mila. “I like where this is going.”

“That makes two of us,” Fallon says, looking so damn happy.

Jade seems to be thinking about something, then she asks, “So if I marry Hunter and Mila marries Jase, that will make Jase and Hunter cousins, right?”