Silence follows Justin’s words.

My mouth is dry, but I can’t bring myself to reach for the water.

Instead, I manage to force one word over my lips, “Why?”

Justin shakes his head. “Because I wanted you, and I made myself believe you were interested in me, as well.”

The need to get up and walk out is overwhelming, but I know it will only prolong the inevitable, so I stay.

I sit and face the man who reduced me to nothing.

I hear his words, and instead of them making me feel better, they rip the scabs off and pour salt over the wounds.

A part of me knows I should forgive Justin, not just for him, but for my own peace.

But I can’t. Not yet.JASEI can’t believe Mila accepted the settlement. Probation? Counseling? Speaking at colleges around the country in a campaign to stop violence against women?

That’s it?

For all the hell Mila had to endure, I feel the fucker should die in prison.

But I don’t have a say in the matter.

I’m struggling to contain my rage as I drive us back to Trinity.

Mila just stares out of the window, and I only manage to keep it in until I park the car.

Slumping back against the seat, I grumble, “He deserved so much worse. Why did you accept the settlement?”

Mila unfastens her seatbelt, and opening the door, she says, “I did it for myself, Jase. It’s my way of getting closure.”

We climb out of the car, and I wait until we’re in the elevator before asking, “And? Did you get closure?”

Mila nods and looks up at me with a smile. “Yeah, I feel like I can move forward now and leave the whole ordeal in the past.”

My eyes scan over her face, and even though she’s smiling, I can’t see any signs that she’s not dealing. Something still bothers me.

Maybe it’s because I feel it’s too quick?

As we step into the hallway, Mila drops a bomb on me, “I should start sleeping in my own room.”

I start shaking my head before I can even form the words. “No, there I’m putting my foot down.”

“But – ”

“No, Mila.” Not wanting her to think it’s because I don’t think she’s ready, I say, “I’m not ready yet. Just give me some more time.”

We stop outside the front door, and Mila takes hold of my hand. “Jase, I have to move back to my room at some point.”

“Yeah,” I grumble as I push the door open and walking to my room, I say, “That point is not happening today.”

Mila follows me inside and shuts the door behind her.

I go to my walk-in closet and shrug out of the suit jacket, then yank the tie free from around my neck. Unbuttoning my shirt, I glance at Mila.

“We can talk about it again a week from now. Deal?”

She shrugs, and her eyes drop to my chest as I pull the shirt off, then she whispers, “Yeah, I suppose.”

I did some reading and learned, sometimes sexual assault survivors struggle with intimacy. Mila’s been pretty comfortable with me and needing to know if she’s okay with seeing me naked, my hands drop to my belt, and loosening it, I pull it free from the loops.

A grin begins to tug at the corner of my mouth when her lips part, and she keeps staring at me. Her lashes lower, and then she bites her bottom lip and tilts her head as if she’s trying to get a better look.

Taking it a step further, I unbutton the pants, and I’m an inch away from giving Mila a full show when I drop my voice low, “Enjoying the view, babe?”

“Huh?” Her eyes snap back up, and when she sees the smirk on my face, she gets all flustered.

Mila reverses into the door and fumbles for the handle. “Ahh… sorry.” And then she darts out and slams the door shut behind her.

I’m not.

There was definitely desire on her face, and I’m reveling in it because it shows she’s comfortable with me, not just as a friend, but as a man.

I quickly step out of the pants and grab a pair of sweatpants, pulling them on. I yank a t-shirt out of the closet and shrug it on as I walk to Mila’s room.

I only knock once then let myself in. I’m greeted with a shriek, and then Mila ducks into her closet. “Jase! I’m half-naked. Get out.”

I shut the door and lock it so no one will disturb us, and with my heart in my throat, I walk to the closet.

Mila’s eyes grow huge at the sight of me, and she holds her blouse to her chest as if it will save her from a threat to her life.

I almost give in to her request but then push through. “Don’t be shy around me. The bathing suits you wear cover less.”