Jase: Do you really want me to stop?

I stare at his question for too long, and giving up on this argument, I slap my laptop shut and pretend to focus my attention on the professor.

I hate admitting Jase’s presence does help, even though he infuriates me with all the flirting.With every class, it gets harder.

The stares. The whispers.

On my way to my final lecture, I pull free from Jase. “I’m just going to the restroom.”

“I’ll be right outside,” he says.

Walking inside, I keep my eyes downcast and dart into the first open stall.

I relieve myself and am busy buttoning my jeans when I hear someone else come into the restroom, and then I recognize Rachel’s voice. “Have you seen her? She looks fine. They’re probably just making a big deal of it all.”

Summer comments, “Yeah, and now she has Jase walking around with her.” There’s a sarcastic chuckle. “She probably faked the whole attack to get Jase’s attention. Things were going so well between him and Jessica.”

God, I hate these girls.

“And poor Justin. What did he do to deserve this? She’s ruined his life,” Rachel snaps.

Poor Justin?

For a moment, I shut my eyes against the harsh reality that they think I made the attack up just to get Jase’s attention. It makes me feel sick to my stomach, and a light sweat breaks out over my body.

My heart begins to beat faster, and not able to just stand here and listen, I yank the door open and don’t look at the girls as I wash my hands. I grab a paper towel and quickly dab the water off.

When I open the door and walk out of the restroom, I bump into someone, and my head snaps up. Seeing Nate, my heart shoots to my throat, and I stumble backward to get away from him.

“Hey, Mila. I’m sorry about what happened.”

Fear grips my insides, and I can only stare at him.

I expect to see Justin any second because they were always together. The thought makes my whole body tremble as terror ricochets through me.

Someone takes hold of my arm, and I shriek as I yank away.

“Mila.” Hearing Jase’s voice, my eyes dart to him, and I see him holding his hands up as he carefully steps closer to me.

All the thoughts about putting distance between us vaporize into thin air as my body darts forward, and I slam into his chest. I wrap my arms tightly around his waist and hide my face against his chest.

His arms engulf me, and his breath flutters over my hair. “You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

I just want to get away from the prying eyes and whispers. Lifting my face to Jase, I plead, “I want to go to the suite.”

He nods and holding me close to his side, we leave the lecture building in a hurry. I keep my eyes down and cower against Jase’s side.

My breaths rush over my lips as I fight to keep the memories from creeping back.

And everyone blames me.

I gasp through the shame the thought brings.

This is too hard. I was stupid, thinking I can pretend it never happened.

What do I do now?JASEMila’s been shooting me glares the whole day, but it’s much better seeing her riled up because I’m flirting with her, than seeing the fear in her eyes.

I’m leaning against the wall outside the restroom, scrolling through my emails when Mila burst through the door next to me, and before I can reach for her, she slams into Nate.

Nate’s eyes widen as Mila flinches away from him, and then he says, “Hey, Mila. I’m sorry about what happened.”

I take hold of her arm, but she lets out a shriek and yanks away from me.

“Mila,” I say so she’ll look at me. Her eyes are wild as they fly to me, and the instant she sees me, she rushes forward into my arms. She grips me like I’m her only lifeline, and it fucking breaks my heart.

“You’re safe. I’ve got you,” I whisper, hoping the words will calm her a little.

My eyes snap to the students nearby, and they scatter away.

Then Mila tilts her head back, and the look on her face is wild with panic as she begs, “I want to go back to the suite.”

I get her out of the building and back to our suite as fast as possible before I turn to her. Framing her face, I lift it so she’ll look at me. “What happened?”

Mila shakes her head and pulling free, she pushes by me and walks to her room.

I follow her inside and shut the door behind us, then place her bag down. She stands with her back to me, her arms gripped around her waist.

I move around her and tilt my head to catch her eyes, but she keeps them trained on the floor. Her face is pale, and it only increases my worry.