I fucking stare at the phone, and as the minutes tick over, I keep tapping on the screen so it will light up, hoping to see her read it any second.

When it finally shows she’s read it, I let out a heavy breath.

Thank fuck.

And then it shows she’s typing.

Mila: I’m staying the night. My first lecture isn’t until 11. I told Jade.

I stare at the message wondering why the hell it bothers me.

It’s because you were worried.

Now that I know she’s okay, I toss my phone to the side of the bed and go back to staring at the ceiling.

Sleep keeps evading me until I get up and go to the kitchen for a bottle of water.

I chug half of it down and walking back to my room, I stop in front of Mila’s.

Knowing she won’t be back tonight, I step into her private space and shut the door behind me. Leaving the light off, I go to sit down on her bed and stare at the shadow of the half-full bottle in my hands.

You miss her.

Yeah, but I’d miss any of my friends if they were gone for three days.


I’d miss Hunter for sure. Fallon and Hana as well. Hell, I’d even miss Kao and Noah.

My thoughts get stuck on Jade.

Would you have noticed if she weren’t here this weekend?

I’m sure I would’ve noticed, but with her being Hunter’s girlfriend, I wouldn’t miss her. That would be… weird.

A while back, when Hunter and Jade were fighting, I didn’t bother checking in on Jade. I was focused on Hunter.

Everything in me begins to still as I latch onto the differences between Jade and Mila.

Fuck. Could that be it?

I try to imagine kissing Jade and instantly pull a weirded out face. God, no. Never. The thought alone is enough to traumatize me.

Also, Hunter would kick my ass if he knew I just thought about it.

“Go to fucking sleep, Jase,” I grumble at myself. Getting up, I leave Mila’s room and head back to mine. Falling down on the bed, I let out a groan as I try to find a comfortable position.MILALate for my class, I sprint across the lawn. I slip into the auditorium and slump down on the first available seat. Crap, that was too close. Serves me right for oversleeping.

Not your fault you were up half the damn night, thinking about the text Jase sent you.

I let out a sigh and remove my laptop from my bag. I try to focus on the lesson as it starts, but my thoughts keep going back to the fact that Jase now knows I love him.

I should have kept my big mouth shut.

I spent the weekend with my parents because I needed time to process everything. It didn’t help at all, though.

I’ve been alternating between feeling upset that I messed things up with Jase and dying of embarrassment because he knows my secret.

I’m also avoiding Jade, Fallon, and Hana, knowing my friends will want to talk about the fight between Jase and me. At least the part they saw in the restaurant.

My thoughts keep spinning around the mess my life has become, and I don’t even notice the lecture is over until Jade taps me on the shoulder. “Hey, you look like you’re miles away. What’s wrong?”

I pack my bag again, and getting up, I shrug. “I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep too well last night and totally overslept this morning.”

We walk out of the auditorium, and with an hour to wait until our next class, I say, “I haven’t eaten yet? Want to grab something with me?”


Fallon catches up to us and shoots me a questioning look. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” I smile widely at my friends. “Just tired. I’ll go to bed early tonight, but right now, I need food.”

Walking across the lawn, I hear Jase’s familiar laugh, and my head snaps in his direction. He’s standing with Jessica and her friends. Jessica is practically hanging on his arm, and I quickly glance away from the sight.

I hear Jessica giggle, and then she asks, “Will you go with me to Nate’s party this Friday?”

I walk faster, not wanting to hear his answer. Who Jase dates has nothing to do with me.

“Mila!” Justin catches up to me and smiles. “I haven’t seen you around campus this past weekend.”

“I went home.”

He falls into step next to me and asks, “Are you on your way to the restaurant?”

My eyes go to his face, knowing what his next question will be. The poor guy’s been trying really hard the past week.

Maybe I should give him a chance?

I nod to his question. “Yeah. I’m starving.”

“I know you said you aren’t dating right now, but would you consider eating with me?”

What do I have to lose?

“Sure.” I turn my gaze to Fallon and Jade’s, who both stare at me with wide eyes. “You don’t mind if I skip lunch with you today?”