And yet… I toss my hair over my shoulder, feigning the confidence of a legit escort. “My contract says twenty-four hours, so by my calculations you have me until eight o’clock tonight.”

“How much for another twenty-four?”

Wait a minute, he...likes me enough to have me another night?

Uh oh. Run, my inner voice tells me. Warning!

“Huh?” I sit up on my elbow, reading his face. Is he serious?

“How much for another twenty-four hours?” He gives me a smoldering look that almost has me offering to pay him to keep me.

“Ah…” I don’t want to take advantage of the opportunity, but he doesn't seem to mind paying. Still, I’m having the time of my life, I can’t expect him to pay me fifteen grand again. “How about…five?”

“My God, girl. You’ve got to know your worth. First rule of business. Never lowball yourself.” His brow furrows, and he looks almost angry with me. “But you’re an escort, you’ve been working for a while now, right? You should know what Miranda charges for a second night.”

Heat rises in my cheeks. If he knows I’m not an escort, and that this is my first time doing this, will he still want another night? It’s no use, I’m a terrible liar, and I don’t like dishonesty. “So, about that. I uh…yeah, I’m not actually an... experienced escort.” I cover my face with my hands, my hair falling into a curtain around me.

He bends at the waist, sitting up. He frowns.

“What do you mean?”

The truth comes out in a rush.

“I’m not really an escort at all.”

His gorgeous, golden eyes look curiously at me, his brow furrowed in confusion.

“You’re not? But how were you available through Sugar Daddies then?”

“I’m friends with Miranda’s sister, Lexi. I was a little short on cash this month, so Miranda kind of did me a favor by pushing me through. Said she had a one night request—I guess that was you—and would let me work just one night.”

He just stares at me, a look of disbelief on his face.

“How’d I do? I was crap, wasn’t I? You were the one giving me all the pleasure. I’ll give you your money back.” I grab the sheet, wrapping it around my body and go to leave the bed.

Strong arms grab me, pulling me back.

“Where do you think you’re going, little girl?” My skin flushes as he grips my upper arms, pinning me to him.

Little girl.

So the daddy thing isn’t over?

My heart gives a stuttering leap.

His mouth finds my ear, nipping at my lobe. “According to my contract, I have you for another twelve hours. And I plan on getting you to stay another twenty-four after that. And you weren’t crap, you were amazing. I should spank you just for saying that.”

Zing. Okay, yeah, I’m totally ready for another round.

He wants me. Even if I’m not a real escort, he still wants me. The knowledge is thrilling. A playful urge to tease him rises from my core. I sniff, turning up my nose, tossing my hair over my shoulder. “I don’t think so. I think I’m just going to get my coat and go home now.”

“You have no shoes.” He nips my earlobe again.

“I’ll go barefoot.”

His tongue runs down my neck. “I’ll burn your coat in my fireplace.”

“I’ll go naked.”

He nips my collarbone. “Bad, bad girl. Mm, you are such a naughty little thing. What’s a big strong daddy to do with such a bad little girl? One who threatens to run down the street naked? Hmm?”

I give a squeal, trying to wriggle from his arms. It’s no use, he’s too strong, his grip too tight. I fucking love it. “Let me go!”

“No. You’re mine.” His mouth finds mine, kissing me hard, waking up my pussy, making it pulse and clench. “And it’s time you understand what that means.”

He twists my naked body and I give a little shriek as he pins me to his lap. He holds my arm to my lower back and gives my ass a hard, stinging smack. “Tell me you’ll stay.”

I give a giggle as the pain spreads over my ass cheeks. “No. I won’t. Now let me up!” I wriggle against him, my belly pressing into his cock. It stirs beneath me, pressing into me as it hardens.

“Wrong answer.” He gives my ass another slap. “Try again.”

“No way. I’m out of here.” I wriggle again, his erection growing as I wait for another delicious spank.

But he changes the game on me.

“Fine. Then I guess I won’t get to do this.” His hand smooths over my ass. His fingers walk down the cleft of my cheeks, making me spread my legs.

I give out a moan as he takes the pad of his finger and dips it, just barely, into my slick entrance, then runs it along my seam, circling my clit. Delicious tingles shoot through my body. “Oh daddy, do that some more.”