
“I believe we need to set some things straight.”

I stand, my hands anchored on my hips, as she meets my gaze. I’m all for entertaining for the night, but it has to be on my terms.


“I’m the one who tells you what to do. Every step of the way. Understood?”

I keep my voice stern, my tone corrective so she knows I expect her to obey me.

She nods mutely, her eyes wide and humbled.

I gesture for her to undress.

“You may.”

With a small smile, she bows her head meekly, and my chest expands with the power of this moment. She opens the jacket, and lets it fall to the ground.

Exposing the sexiest lingerie I’ve ever seen. Black. Silk. Lace. It’s a pretty little teddy set showing her thighs over the tops of her stockings, her boots coming up just over her knees. Her dark hair falls over her milky white shoulders. She puts her hands on her hips and gives me a satisfied smile.

“Do you like what you see?” She’s trembling a little, as if she’s rehearsed this, and she’s nervous. Her tongue runs over her bottom lip and I almost come in my pants. “Daddy?”

This girl does know what she’s doing. I have a feeling she’s going to be worth every penny. “Hot damn, girl. You brought it tonight, didn’t you?”

“You like?” Those gorgeous green eyes hold my gaze just a beat too long, making blood rush to my cock. She keeps her hands on her hips and goes to do a little twirl, to show off the backside of her outfit. “I’m here to give you the night of your dreams.”

“You already are, babygirl,”

My pants tighten, my breath catching in my throat as I wait that delicious second, that taunting moment before I get to see the curves of her lovely ass in that teddy. I drop my voice, holding her eyes. “Now, baby. Show daddy that gorgeous ass.”

Christ, I fucking love this, the way she’s visibly aroused just by my words and tone alone.

Just as I’m getting my first glimpse, she trips on the heel of her boot, giving a little squeal.

And goes flailing, falling right into the jacuzzi tub.

Chapter 3


It’s as if I’m watching myself fall into the water in slow motion. My arms flail, trying to grab something to stop my fall, but I find nothing as the water grows closer and closer. My knees go in first, the warm water covering me and splashing my face as I fall in deeper. My knees hit the bottom of the tub, then I bob to the surface. Completely soaked, the ends of my hair are drenched, floating around me.

I want to cry. Some escort I am.

Everything’s ruined. My hair’s wet. My outfit, soaked. My boots, ruined. Are you kidding me? This is not happening. Tears burn in the backs of my eyes as I push myself up and stand in the center of the tub. I move my body and take stock of my injuries.

No pain—it's only my pride that’s been hurt.

I’m so fucking embarrassed. My hands go to my face, as if I can hide and this horrible blunder will go away. What made me think I could pull this night off?

Rawley rushes to my side. He bends his knees, crouching down, resting his elbows on his thighs. “Are you okay?”

I’m unable to meet his gaze. “Yes, yes. I’m fine I just…I just…” Oh for the love of God, Emmeline, do not cry right now! This man is paying you to give him one dream night, not to comfort your soggy ass. “I’m just…wet.”

His hand slides under my jaw, tilting it upwards, forcing my gaze to meet his.

For just a moment, his handsomeness distracts me from the pain of my humiliation. His eyes are a light brown, a color I’d call ochre, with little flecks of gold in his irises. His hair is thick and wavy, a light brown, or dark blond, I’m not sure which in this lighting, but it’s quite fetching.

His thumb brushes over the curve of my chin. “I was hoping you’d get wet tonight. Though I have to admit, I pictured it happening a bit differently than this.” He flashes me a smile, and my heart gives an involuntary thump in my chest. I swallow.

Oooohhh. A beat later, I get his meaning.

“This isn’t what I had planned for you either.” I give a little laugh. His words make heat rise in my face. And somehow, his touch, his sexy little joke, have the tears leaving my eyes. I give a little sniff, running my fingers beneath my eyes to catch any wet, running mascara. “Yeah, I guess one doesn’t expect their escort to do a swan dive into their hot tub before they can even get their lingerie off.”

His brow furrows. “Swan dive? I’d call that more of a cannonball.”