I finish the drink, and make my way across the room.

I open the door, not sure what I’m expecting. Someone who looks kinda...like a hooker, I guess? I’m new to this. Maybe a pretty girl with a face full of makeup, bleach blonde hair, pouting lips....

What’s in front of me is the polar opposite.

This girl is stunning.

And... real. There’s nothing fake about her. Her beauty takes my breath away, literally my breath away. She should sit on thrones to be worshipped, she’s that fucking stunning, but she’s so real and she wears it like a crown, making her ten times hotter than any model I’ve crossed paths with.

Her hair is long and dark, shiny and sleek. She wears a few coats of mascara, some clear gloss on her full, natural lips… but those eyes. My God, those gem green eyes, they draw me right in.

She wears a knee-length tan coat, tied tight around her waist, and high, black leather boots with a kitten heel. One hand rests on her hip, the other on the frame of the door. She cocks her head to the side. “Mind if I come in?”

Damn. Aren’t I supposed to be the one running the show? I wake the fuck up, opening the door the rest of the way and sweep my hand through the air, inviting her in. “Of course. Please do.”

She waltzes past me leaving a trail of sexy perfume behind her. Lavender and vanilla, and a note that’s just, her. Her curves swish under the coat, like she’s practiced walking on those heels. This girl’s a professional. She seems to know what she’s doing.

“Emmeline, right?”

She gives a nod and a little lick of her lips that has my cock stirring.

“Rawley.” I close the door, locking it. “Drink? I’ve got liquor, wine...decaf coffee if you’re into that kind of thing.”

“Hmm.” She does a little pirouette on her heel, facing me. Dancer? She looks a little familiar—have I seen her perform in one of the shows with Lexi? I take a longer look and decide she just has one of those faces that make you feel like you know her. “Do you have tea?”

I’ve never had anyone other than my grandma ask me for tea. “Tea? You mean like hot tea from a tea kettle?”

A bit of pink rises in her cheeks as if she’s made a blunder. She clears her throat. “Oh, I meant a Staten Island Iced tea. You know? Like a hard liquor one?” She bats her lashes.

Hold up. Does she mean a Long Island Iced Tea? An escort who doesn’t know the name of her cocktails? Not what I’d expect, but then again, so far she’s nothing like what I expected. “Sure thing. You know it’s like straight liquor, though, right?” Her eyes open wide.

“Is it? Isn’t it just...like iced tea with a twist?”

“Ah, no. There isn’t a drop of real tea in it.”

She blanches, as if she’s suddenly lost her resolve, and I want to tell her it’s okay, not to worry, that I don’t bite.

Well, maybe a little. But she’ll like it.

“Water, please?” she asks.

I smile. “Sounds good.”

“Thank you.” She seems to breathe a sigh of relief.

Is she nervous? Surely, she’s done this dozens of times before.

I go to the bar and fill a glass with ice with silver tongs from the bucket. As I pour the water into the glass, I sneak a glance over my shoulder. She’s looking around, with wide-eyed awe, taking in the opulence of the place.

I hand her the glass, her fingers brushing mine as she takes it. “Nice, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Is this the penthouse?” She takes a sip of her water.

“There are three penthouse suites in this hotel after recent updates. This one that my brother reserves for friends and family, one that belongs to Miranda, the owner of Sugar Daddies and her husband, and one that belongs to my brother, the owner of the hotel.”

She flushes when I say the name of the escort service.


“Nice.” She glides towards the balcony.

I watch her as she moves, she’s one of those naturally sensual women, the ones who can’t help but be sexy by just existing.

Unbidden possession sweeps through me. She’s mine for the night. All mine.

I can’t wait to hear the word daddy roll off those beautiful lips.

She steps out onto the balcony. Sets her glass on the patio table. She stands before the bubbling waters of the hot tub and slowly, knowing my eyes are on her every move, she turns to face me. The steam rises around her, making the whole experience surreal, resembling a fantasy.

Her hands go to the waist of her coat. I can’t tear my gaze away from those thin, perfectly-formed fingers as she unties the knot of the belt of her coat.

I clear my throat. “Excuse me.”

Her eyes widen.