“Conversation over, daddy,” I say with a petulant little pout.

He gives me a look of steel, his jaw twitching. “Nope. You and I are going to have this talk. Now.”

The little devil gives me a nudge. I give him a challenging look. “Make me.”

“As you wish.” He grabs my arms, tugging me over his lap.

I give a squeal. “Let me go!”

“I’ll let you go, as soon as we have ourselves a little chat.” His hands are at the waist of my sweats and despite all the fire in my anger, I find a new fire growing between my thighs.

But I think I’ll fight him a little more.

“Let me go, you caveman!” I wriggle away.

He gives a Neanderthal grunt as he pins my hips to him.

I kick my legs. “Let me go!”

He swings one of his legs around, locking my legs to his. “You ready to talk?”


He tugs my sweats down over my ass. I really should have worn some panties. At the sight of my bare skin, I feel his cock harden beneath me. Let the sexy times begin.

But now his hand comes down, hard and stinging, fire shooting across my ass.

“Hey! That hurt.”

“I mean business, babygirl.” He gives my ass another spank. “You aren’t going anywhere until we talk about this.”

“You want me to talk about this while I’m laying over your lap and you’re spanking my ass?”

He gives me another swat. “If that’s what it takes. Now tell me, why the hang up about moving in with me?”

I don’t answer and it earns me another stinging smack. “Yeowch.” I try to wiggle away but his grip is too firm.

He brings his hand down again. “Talk to daddy. Tell me what’s going on.”

The stinging turns to a warm burning and it creeps between my thighs. A pool of arousal gathers, my pussy aching for his touch. “There is one way to get me to talk.”

“What’s that?”

“You could…touch me.” I give my hips a little wriggle, totally aware I’m grinding against his cock as I move.

“No dice.” He gives my right cheek a spank, then my left cheek. It hurts and I find myself sucking my breath in between my teeth. “When are you going to learn not to top from the bottom?”

“Top from the bottom? What does that even mean?” I wail, as another volley of hard spanks lands on my ass.

He punctuates each of his words with a spank, alternating from cheek to cheek. “It means, you are not in charge here, babygirl, so stop trying to take control.”

“Take control? I can barely move!” He’s holding me tight, but I can move just enough to rub against him, making his cock stir against my belly.

“You know exactly what you’re doing.” He smooths his hand over my ass, making me think I’m about to get what I want. But instead of his fingers stroking between my thighs, I get another swat. “Do I need to take my belt off to get you to talk?”

His words make me freeze. “Uh…I don’t think we’ll be needing that.”

He lets me up, without even pulling up my pants, sitting me right on my bare ass on the sofa beside him. “Then talk.”

“Can’t I at least pull my pants up first?”

“No.” He flashes me a wicked grin. “I like you just like that.”

He wraps his arm around my shoulder, his gaze intent on my face.

The spanking worked somehow, the sting on my ass loosening my tongue. I lose the bratty attitude and choose honesty, forcing myself to meet his gaze. “I do want to marry you and live with you and all that good stuff. I just get scared sometimes that you’ll pull away like you did that very first time, or something else will happen like it did with Tiffany, then I’ll be stuck, homeless and brokenhearted, with nowhere to go. I like knowing that until we have a legal, spiritual commitment, I’ve got my own place.” I let out a deep, cleansing breath, a weight lifted from my shoulders.

“But I do want to live with you, Rawley. I do.”

Having my thoughts out in the open, I feel a hundred times better. Hmm...maybe he’s onto something with this whole talking it out thing.

“What if I pay the lease for the next two years? Or hell, I’ll buy the duplex and give you the deed, no strings attached. You could stay there whenever you have a late night at the hospital, or whenever you want to, and you’d know it was there, just in case. Then you could move in here until the wedding.”

“That’s a generous offer.” I give my head a shake. “But I don’t want you paying for anything else for me.”

“And I don’t want us to live apart. So what are we going to do?”

This is the part where I don’t know the answer, and I want to move on to other things. “I know what I want to do…” I scoot my spanked ass over and snuggle in a little closer to him. I run my hand over the growing lump in the crotch of his jeans. “I want to climb on your cock and ride you. Topping from the bottom, I think you called it?”