As her words settle around me, a wave of calm peace comes over me.

I think of how much I love him, how much I miss him.

How nothing’s been the same since I left.

My love is bigger than big.

My love is colossal.

Am I brave enough to chase down that love and face whatever awaits us?

Lexi pops up out of nowhere, smacking her open palms against the tabletop, tearing me from my thoughts, making me leave my self-reflecting question unanswered.

“I’m getting married tomorrow, bitches!” A cheer erupts from the crowd, and she grabs my hand, pulling me from the booth. “Come dance with me, Emmeline! It’s my last night as a single lady.”

Tomorrow is her wedding.

Tomorrow, I’ll see Rawley for the first time since I wrote that note.

Tomorrow, I need to have the answer to my question.

Am I brave enough?

Chapter 16


The little red box sits on my kitchen counter, staring back at me. My elbows press against the cold granite, as I hold my head in my hands. It’s no use, I can’t seem to put it away. I should stuff it in a drawer, or send it back, at least put it somewhere I can’t see it.

But I can’t.

I’m still holding on to the tiny glimmer of hope that Emmeline is coming home.

I reach out, grabbing the little devil and flip open the lid. The three carat princess-cut diamond stares back at me. If we’d arrived at Opulence just ten minutes earlier, if I’d had time to propose, would she have said yes and never left?

Even after Tiffany had showed up?

I’ll never know.

I’m trying to respect her wishes. No calls, no texts, no gifts, but not contacting her is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I flip the lid to the jewelry box shut. She has every right to move on, to not want to be a part of this twisted mess I’ve gotten myself into with Tiffany.

My phone’s ringing. I groan. It’s Tiffany. I silence it, knowing she’s probably calling to ask for more money. I just can’t deal with her right now. I’ve made it totally clear to her—we are never getting back together.

What more does she want from me?

My brother texts me.

Bro be ready by five

Katie and I will pick you up in the limo

Your tux should be arriving shortly

A minute later, there’s a knock on the door. The bellboy brings up my black tux, complete with a hideous lavender cummerbund and tie to match the bridesmaids' dresses. Thanks, Lexi.

I get dressed and wait for my brother and his wife. I’m in no mood for a wedding.

I dress, waiting by the window for the limo. I find myself watching every red car that passes by, staring at them just a little too long. Hoping it's her.

The ride to the wedding is awkwardly silent. Darius and Katie are just as confused and upset as I am. Everyone misses Emmeline. Rumors are circulating about Tiffany’s accusations, but thankfully no one’s brought them up.

We line up outside the church, the wedding party, five groomsmen, and four bridesmaids. We’re just waiting on one more.

Emmeline appears from around the corner of the stone wall of the church. My breath catches at the sight of her, and my chest feels tight. I stand on shaky knees, watching her walk up, holding up the end of her long lavender dress so it doesn’t drag along the grass.

She looks stunning.

Her gaze rises, her green eyes looking straight into mine.

And I’m lost.

I break away from the crowd, going to cross the lawn to her. “Emmeline—”

But now there’s a claw-like hand grabbing my arm, tugging me back. A nasally voice beckons me away. “Come, come. You’re an usher. We need you to seat the mother of the bride.” The wedding coordinator.

I tug away from her and walk to Emmeline, but she turns away.

I let the wedding coordinator guide me to the church.

Somehow, I make it through the ceremony in a daze, my eyes cutting to and from Emmeline the entire time. She keeps her gaze glued on Lexi, unwilling, or unable to look in my direction.

My fucking heart breaks every time I get a glimpse of her at the reception.

We’re seated for dinner. Emmeline sits across from me, avoiding my gaze.

My phone buzzes with so many texts from Tiffany, I finally shut it off. Jesus. Emmeline looks at me, her eyes sad and her jaw set. God, it kills me to be this close to her and not to touch her, to talk to her, to feel her hand on my arm and the warmth of her sitting next to me, where she belongs.

Gabriel gives his best man’s speech and even Darius is wiping tears away discreetly. All this talk of love and forever and soulmates is getting hard to take. I take the opportunity to slide into the empty seat beside Emmeline. “I miss you.”