The days kind of fade into weeks. The weeks somehow become two months.

There’s no formal declaration of Emmeline moving in, she just never leaves. Each week we bring a few more of her things over from Lexi’s. If I had my way, we’d have loaded it all up and brought it back to my place that first night, and she would live with me always, but I’m an “all or nothing” kinda guy, and she knows it. So, she finds little reasons here and there to keep the majority of her belongings at Lexi’s.

With exams closing in, Emmeline has to study most nights after dinner, which suits me since we’re getting ready to launch the new shoe line and I often work late, or bring work home with me. As she nears her final exam, Emmeline begins to procrastinate, wanting to play with me rather than study.

But there’s no way in hell I’m going to have any part in her not succeeding at her dreams. I make her study. Some nights, I even stay at the office an extra hour, knowing she can better focus when she has the apartment to herself.

Every so often though, my babygirl is a bad girl, and I have my daddy ways of keeping her on track. Like tonight, when I returned home from work to find her splayed across the couch, computer in her lap, remote in one hand, her phone in the other. The television blares in the background.

It’s that inane celebrity gossip channel Lexi loves so much. The show she’s watching looks to be one of those reality trash bits where singles rampantly hook up under the guise of finding love.

Emmeline is laughing, holding the phone screen pointed to her face. “Can you believe she picked him? I mean, come on, the two have nothing in common.”

It’s Lexi on the other end of the video call. “I know, right? But, I mean with a body like that, can you blame the girl? He’s so hot he’d start a fire in your panties with one touch.”

This girl starts the beginning of a two-day test in the morning to determine if she’s going to pass med school. I click the television off. I’ll be damned if she made it this far just to fuck around the last night before the final.

Hell no. I cross the room, taking the remote from Emmeline’s hand. Emmeline looks up, holding her hand out for the remote back. “Hey! We were watching that. Now I’ll never know if Patrick has that tribal tramp stamp lower back tattoo they all talk about.”

Lexi chimes in. “Yeah, what’s your deal, Rawley? They were just about to do the hot tub scene and Patrick was going to lose all his clothes. I’ve been waiting two episodes to see the dude naked!”

I take the phone from Emmeline’s, pointing the camera to my face so Lexi can clearly see my raised brow. “Aren’t you supposed to be engaged, Lex?”

Lexi gives a shrug. “Hey, I’m just looking. Anyway, Shane doesn’t care—”

“Goodbye, Lexi.” I cut her off with a wave. “Emmeline’s going to have to call you back. In two days. When she’s finished with her exam. Bye.” I hang up the phone, tossing it onto the couch.

Hands on my hips, I stare down at Emmeline.

She looks up, feigning innocence. “What?”

“Well, what do you have to say for yourself, young lady? You should be studying and I come home to find you watching celebrity trash.”

Now that I’m her daddy, I have special ways of helping her stay on task. She likes when I give her rules and consequences. And she loves my palm against her ass. So I take the computer from her lap, carefully placing it on the coffee table so I don’t mess up her screen. “Your daddy says you’ve earned yourself a spanking.”

The flush immediately creeps up in her cheeks, her eyes going all shiny, making my cock twitch. I love how much she loves going over my knee when she knows she’s been bad. She gives a naughty little shrug. “Can’t a girl take a break now and then?”

“Not tonight, and not by looking at men who are taking their clothes off. That’s very naughty of you. Daddy doesn’t like his girl checking out other men.” I give her a teasing gaze, sit on the sofa beside her, spreading my thighs so I can pull her body over mine. “Or getting behind on your studies.”

“I’m sorry, daddy, but there’s really no need to spank me.” She goes to grab her computer. “See? I’m getting back to work right now, so your spanking will only serve to distract me further.”

I grab her before she can get to the laptop, I pull her over my thighs, tugging down her leggings and panties. “Too bad for you, you don’t have the kind of daddy who lets things like this go. You’ll get your spanking, then you’ll get to work, with a sore ass to remind you to focus.”