“I guess that’s just how it works sometimes.” My gaze holds her a beat too long, making her cheeks flush.

What are you doing, Rawley? Let her go.

I’ll just help her move and then be done with it. I owe it to her, really, after that shit I pulled with the note, to help her. And, after that, I owe it to her to leave her alone.

We make our way downstairs. Her car is parked out front, a little red hatchback in dire need of new tires. That thing probably doesn’t even have air bags. I get in the back of my car, and as my driver follows behind her, I can’t help picturing her driving something safer, something a little prettier, more suited to her.

Maybe a sleek silver Mercedes?

Who am I kidding? Even if I gifted her one, she'd just return it like she did with all the clothing I bought her. I don’t bother asking if it was delivered to her. I don’t want to risk finding out she gave it away.

We pull up to a rundown apartment building. I follow her up to her apartment, neatly packed and stacked cardboard boxes lining the wall of the entryway. It’s so dingy, with dim lighting and faded wallpaper, I hate the thought of her having lived here.

She picks up a box. “It came furnished, so all I have is this stuff.” She flushes a little, likely embarrassed. “My goal was to graduate, and I’ll do everything I can to make that happen.”

I grab one of the larger boxes, stacking a smaller one on top. We make a few trips and in less than an hour, we have both cars packed and ready to go. I give her a wave. “See you at Lexi’s.”

“Thanks so much. See you there.” She waves back with a tight smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

Gabriel and Miranda Lord live outside the city in an estate that probably rivals the one he had back home in France. Sprawling acreage, with manicured lawns, a pool house, guesthouse, multi-car garage, all fenced in and gated for privacy. It’s beautiful, but I can’t help feeling Emmeline would be more at home with me, at my place.

Of course. I want to see her when I go to bed, her face lit by the light of the moon. I want to see her when I wake, sunrise falling on our bed.

I know I just met her. I know I have a history of shitty choices.

But sometimes...you just know.

Don’t you?

Stupid thought.

We go through the gates, pulling up to the pool house where Lexi’s staying until she and Shane get married. Apparently, she had bad luck with a previous fiancée and has sworn off living with a man until there’s a wedding band on her finger. The wedding is in six months.

I guess by then, Lexi will be moved into Shane’s, and Emmeline will begin her paid residency and move into her own place.

Good for her.

Still, the thought makes regret gnaw in my stomach.

Lexi comes bounding out of the pool house, her hair bobbing around her shoulders. “Emmeline! You’re here!” They hug and do that girly squealing thing, then get to chatting.

Good. Leave me to my work. I deserve this for being an ass.

Emmeline tries to lift a huge box filled with books. She heaves the box up, but I shake my head at her.

“I’ll take those.”

“I’ve got them,” she insists, her eyes sharp and narrowed.

Talking back? Really? This girl so needs a daddy.

I won’t fuck this up again.

“Give me the box.”


“Did you just say no to me?”

She leans in and hisses, “No to the bro helping me move? Sure. Why the hell not?” Her voice drops even lower. “What are you gonna do about it?”

Damn, she needs a spanking. And I’d love to be the one to give it to her. I suppose hauling her over my knee right here and now, then tying her up so she can’t lift the heavy shit’s out of the question.

But this daddy stuff is coming to me too late.

She’s not mine to boss. Or take care of. Or spank, or spoil.

And that fucking sucks.

I growl at her, but she’s already gone, staggering under the weight of the box. Goddammit.

By the time I’ve got all her stuff moved up to the second floor apartment over the pool house, I’m drenched in sweat, and my muscles ache. I’m tired. Worn out to the bone, not from hauling boxes, but from having to watch Emmeline, to be near her, to hear her laugh.

All the while, knowing I’m going to have to say goodbye to her.

And this time, I can’t just leave a note and disappear.

We’re all standing by the cars, making small talk, wrapping up the day. Lexi looks at me. “We’re going to order Thai food to celebrate. Want to stay? It’s my treat since you did all the work.”