I catch a few muffled words. Dress. Maybe a four? Boots. A size seven. He’s reading the tags on my shoes and clothing to guesstimate my sizes. Who is he calling and what is he ordering? Grabbing the remote, I flip on the tv and find a light, funny movie to watch while I wait. I snuggle down, deciding to let him take care of things.

After all, he is the one who forced me to stay another night. I giggle, thinking of his fingers on me, the way he tortured me into committing to stay.

“What’s so funny?” He returns to the room, leaning in the doorway.

“Nothing.” My face heats, him catching me in my dirty thoughts.

He goes to the closet and I watch with disappointment as he covers up his beautiful body with clothing. He slips on black boxer briefs that look sexy as hell against his tanned skin. Tan trousers, and a casual button-down shirt. I watch him button every button, looking like a hot daddy as he goes.

When he’s dressed, he crawls across the bed to me, kissing my lips. I snuggle down into his chest and we watch the movie, laughing together as we wait for whatever he’s ordered to arrive.

An hour later, there’s a knock on the door. He kisses the top of my head, slipping out from under me. “I’ll get it.”

When he’s gone, my skin is instantly cooler. I miss him already, his warmth, his scent, the feel of his strong chest beneath my shoulder. I can hear him thanking someone, closing the door, then he’s back to me.

Where he belongs.

He’s holding armfuls of boxes and garment bags.

“What have you got there?” As he lays out the clothing and opens the shoe boxes, I get serious Pretty Woman vibes. “Wait, what? Are these all for me?”

“Well, they’re certainly not for me.” He gives me a smile, pulling out a red, wrap dress that ties in a bow in the front. “I want you to wear this. And these.”

He hands me a long white box.

It's heavy, and when I pull back the lid, I reveal the most beautiful pair of leather knee-high boots. They’re a deep brown and I reach out to stroke the leather. It’s silky soft, nothing like the cheap pleather ones I wore over here. These things must have cost a fortune. I look up at him in awe. “These…are for…me?”

“Yes. It’s all for you to keep. I got your sizes from the things you wore here, so it should all fit. A little thank you present for staying.”

A surge of happiness and gratitude flows through me. I put the box to the side and untangle myself from the covers. I hop off the bed and into his arms. “Thank you. That was so sweet of you.” I stand on tiptoe, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Is he…embarrassed? He looks away, a tight smile on his face. “It’s nothing.” He quickly snaps back, replacing his smile with a sexy grin and gives my bare ass a slap. “Now get dressed so we can feed you.”

He turns on his heel, leaving the room.

I miss him already.

Silly Emmeline. Get yourself together, girl. He’s a fantasy. A one-time, two-night, knight in shining armor that’s going to drag you out of poverty, swipe the cobwebs from your vagina, and send you on your way dressed like freaking Kate Middleton.

So, enjoy it, but keep your head in reality. In about thirty-four hours Prince Charming is going to send you on your merry way and chances are really good you’ll never see him again.

I try to harden my heart, but now I’m opening a shiny white box. Inside is folded pink paper, and when I pull it back, there’s the most beautiful blush pink bra and panty set in my exact size. I slip it on, feeling beautiful in the fine silk and lace. I pull on the stockings that are folded in the bottom of the box. Shimmy myself into the wrap dress, pulling it just a bit tighter around the waist and knot it. I sit down on the bed, pulling the gorgeous boots from the box.

Just like Cinderella, they’re a perfect fit.

Oh, daddy.

Taking a quick peek in the other boxes, I find more dresses, a pair of jeans, some casualwear, more bras, and panties. Altogether there’s more here than what I have at home in my closet. He’s been incredibly generous. I hope he thinks I’m worth it.

I rake my hands through my hair, attempting to tame my damp locks. One glance in the mirror confirms I look as good as I feel. Shyness overcomes me as I prepare to step out into the living room where Rawley waits. Will he like it? Will he think I look pretty in this outfit he’s chosen for me?