Page 80 of Exquisite Taste

Two hands from behind me thrust into my back, and I slip, landing on the floor. I yelp in pain but force myself to roll over and avoid his hands as he reaches for me. I try to keep most of my weight on one foot and hop to the bed, jumping up to crawl over it. He manages to get a hold on my ankle, but I kick my other foot back, hitting him in the face.

“Fuck! You’re gonna pay for that.” He dives over the bed. I grab for the lamp on the nightstand and tug it hard, ripping the plug from the socket. I bash it over his head and watch in horror as the impact slices his head open, leaving a gaping gash. He rolls off the bed, hitting the floor like a bag of bricks.

I hear a noise and turn away from him. I take one step forward when I’m tackled from behind. He’s on me, taking me to the ground. This time, his weight and strength overpower mine. I scream again, but he puts his hand over my mouth. I get my teeth around skin and bite down. He grunts and backhands me across the face. I lose focus for a few seconds, but when I come to, I feel him yanking at my sweatpants. My hands go wild trying to fight him off me, but too quickly, they’re locked between his hands, and he’s pulling them above my head. He’s so heavy on top of me, I’m struggling to breathe. My stomach threatens to expel at the feel of his erection jamming into my stomach.

“Please, don’t do this. Please!”

He’s crazed with anger. He doesn’t hear my plea. His hands begin to fumble with my sweatpants again when the door opens.

Thank God. Damien’s back. In mere seconds, he’s going to save me from this nightmare.

“I didn’t say you can rape her, Jesus. Do I have to do everything myself?” My body goes rigid. No… It can’t be. But then I see her face. “Night, night, freakshow.” And she jams a long needle inside my flesh.

Fucking Sylvia.

Whatever she stuck me with knocked me out. It’s still lingering in my system because I can’t seem to fight off the grogginess. I try to nudge the blindfold off with my shoulder, but no luck.

“Well, look who’s finally awake.” The blindfold is ripped off my head, and pain from the gash on my forehead turns my stomach. I look around, trying to figure out where I’m at, but the pain and dizziness prevent it. It’s dark, so it’s hard to see, but it looks like we’re in the woods.

I tug at my arms, but the bindings are so tight, it’s scraping away at my skin. “You’re a special kind of crazy, you know that? And you’re so fucked when they find me,” I snap.

Sylvia just laughs, leaving me with an unsettled feeling. I try not to let the fear show, but it’s impossible. She’s a loose cannon and I have no idea what else she has planned for me.

“Honey, I’m not worried about anyone finding you. Probably ever.” She turns to walk away into the dark.

Fuck, how did I get here? How did they get me out of the hotel? There has to be surveillance. Someone had to have seen me. Damien would come back. He would see the room. He would come for me.

My throat starts to lock, but I fight down the emotions. Don’t cry. Don’t cry, I coach myself. I need to stay strong. “Damien cringes at the thought of you, and when he finds you took me, he’s gonna come after you, and he’s going to destroy you when he does.”

She turns gracefully as if we’re at a sorority ball. “Oh, honey. You have it all wrong. See, this isn’t all for nothing. You going bye-bye is going to open so many opportunities for me.”

“You’re nuts. Damien despises you. Getting me out of the picture won’t get you shit.”

She laughs some more, and chills run down my spine. “That’s where you’re wrong. He certainly enjoys me. Before you showed up that night, which I must take credit for that, he and I had a pleasantly good time. Naughty man he is. Very needy with his hands. I have to admit, he definitely seemed to prefer blondes over ratty brunettes.”

I don’t hide the confusion in my eyes. I know nothing happened. She’s lying.

“Oh, he didn’t tell you?”

“He wouldn’t willingly touch you. You’re lying.”

She skips over to me, putting her face directly into mine. “He’s going to do so much more once you’re out of the picture. What we can be together…” She smiles, looking as if she’s lost in mental thought. Bringing her eyes back to focus, she continues. “It’s going to be magical.” Then she twirls around and skips into the darkness.