Page 82 of Exquisite Taste

“This was all your idea. If we get caught, this is your fault. I won’t fucking hesitate to tell them—”

A horrified scream leaves my throat when Sylvia picks up a log and bashes it against the side of Jake’s head. I watch in horror as he goes down like a tree. “Jesus Christ, what’d you do that for!” I shout, but I don’t think she hears me. She certainly seems to have forgotten about me. “Sylvia!”

“It’s fine. Daddy will fix this. Daddy will fix this. It’s fine. Everything is fine.”

What the fuck? “Sylvia, your dad can’t fix this. He’s bleeding. You need to call for help, or he’s gonna die.”

“It’s fine. Daddy will fix this. Daddy will fix this. Daddy will fix this.”

“I don’t think Daddy is fixing any—”

“DADDY FIXES EVERYTHING!” Cocking her shoulders back, she raises the log, readying herself for another deadly blow.


Jensen’s soft body lies under me as I open my mouth, cover her nipple, and suck hard without remorse. She wiggles, her back bowing off the bed.

“I’m going to take you, push you, bring your body to the deepest edges of insanity, do you hear me?” A place I feel I already am. Her soft laugh seeps into my veins. My dick hardens even more if possible, and I can no longer play. I need to be inside her immediately. “Laugh now, my little pet, because soon, I’m gonna be fucking you so hard and deep, you won’t be laughing, but screaming my name as my cock owns you.”

“Where are you, Damien?” she asks as I pull her other breast into my mouth.

“I’m right here.” I suck hard, knowing she loves the pain mixed with pleasure.

“Where are you, Damien?” she asks again.

I release her nipple and pull away to gaze at her. “Baby, I’m right here.”

She stares back at me, not hearing anything I say. “Baby, I’m here. What’s wrong?” I ask, concerned. Her body heat rises. Her skin is becoming too hot to touch. “Jensen. Jesus, what’s wrong?” I panic, having to jump off her to avoid getting burned. “Jensen!” I call her name again.

“Where are you, Damien?” she asks one last time, then explodes into a burst of flames—

The beeping sound brings me out of my nightmare. My eyes shoot open, and I sit up from the bed I’m soaked from my own sweat. I look around for Jensen, but she’s not here. The bright lights send a shooting pain to my head and severe dizziness blasts me back against the bed. My hand goes up to touch my forehead and it’s met with cloth. A bandage? Confusion strikes as I open my eyes again and look around. I’m in a hospital room.

“You’re finally awake. Welcome back, Mr. Cross.” My eyes whip to the nurse entering my room, causing another wave of dizziness.

“Why am I…What happened?”

She’s at my bedside, checking the machine. “You were in a fire. You sure are lucky.” Her hands are cold as she checks my pulse. “How are you feeling? You got yourself a pretty nice concussion there.”

My eyes squeeze shut, fighting to remember.

The fire.

The blood.


“I need to speak to—”

I make another attempt at sitting up, but my head spins and my stomach threatens to expel from the pain. I go back down, cradling my head. “I need to—”

“You need to rest, Mr. Cross. You’ve been out for the past seven hours. It’s in your best interest to lie back. Would you like something to help you sleep?”

Seven hours?

I need to get out of here. “Jensen…have they found Jensen?”

The nurse offers a kind smile. “I’m not sure. Is this a family member? Would you like me to contact anyone for—”

“No! She was kidnapped. Have they found her? Where’s Commissioner Stephens?”

She’s oblivious to what I’m asking. “Sir, you really need to calm down. It’s not good—”


“Hello, Mr. Cross.”

I give my attention to the doctor and officer entering my room. Relief floods the nurse’s features, and with a quick nod to the doctor, she scurries out.

“Mr. Cross, I’m glad to see you’re awake. We were starting to get worried about you.”

“I’m fine. I need to get out of here.”

The doctor walks up to the end of my bed and takes a look at my chart. “I understand that. Mr. Heywood is here to answer any questions you have, but for now, I would advise you against leaving. You’ve taken a bad hit to your head.”

“I said I’m fine,” I repeat even as the pain shoots through my frontal lobe.

“I understand, but your head scan says otherwise. You should be thankful for just the head injury. The other gentleman brought in with you suffered severe burns.”




“Where are they? Are they okay?” The doctor’s expression changes. The fear of his next words, like a noose around my throat, choke me. “Are they—?”