Page 5 of Exquisite Taste

“Oh em gee! I cannot believe you found it! Let the games begin!” I look over Sylvia’s shoulder to the group of girls entering the kitchen. Some I remember from the other night. Sylvia takes the opportunity to step out of my reach and turns to her pack of wolves.

“Oh, look who decided to make an appearance.”

All the girls spin to her, their smiles dropping as fear settles onto their faces. “Hey, we were on our way over, but we got a call from Steph’s sister about the club. Turns out, it’s the right place! We drove by it, and sure enough, there’s an abandoned-looking door in a back alleyway. No signs or anything!”

Curious what they’re talking about, I turn to Sylvia, who looks like the evil cat who just caught the helpless canary. “Are you sure it’s the place?”

The girl, Steph, steps forward. “Totally sure. We waited for a bit and watched people come in and out. The way they were dressed, there’s no doubt. We found it.”

“Found what?” I ask without thinking. They all shift to look at me, questioning my existence, until Sylvia turns my way and steps forward.

“Trust me, this is nothing you’d be interested in. You’re lacking in too many categories for this kind of fun. Plus, I doubt you have it in you to enter a place like this.”

I want to take her hair and rip it out of her scalp. Possibly shove my fist so far down her throat, she gags on my elbow. But I allow my mouth to run away from me. “For your information, you have no idea what I’m capable of. I’m pretty sure I’ve done and seen a lifetime more than your cute little doll club could imagine. What, you find some sort of secret sex club or something?”

Sylvia laughs. “As if you know anything about a sex club.” Her entourage follows, giggling alongside her at my expense.

“Well, considering I’ve been to my fair share of them…”

A few of them gasp. And mentally, I do too. Because what the hell did I just say? I have no idea where that came from. One minute, I’m standing there not needing to prove myself to these mean girls, and then out of nowhere, I word-vomit lies. Fair share of sex clubs? Really, Jensen?

All four girls, including Sylvia, stare at me, stunned.

“Wait, so you’ve been to a sex club?” Steph steps forward, but Sylvia blocks her from getting too close.

“I call your bluff,” she interrupts, crossing her dainty arms over her too tight push-up bra.

Steph continues, more curious than a damn cat. “What’s it like? Is it like the romance books?”

I shrug my shoulders as if it’s no big deal. “It’s nothing to call home about.”

A sex club is nothing to call home about? Stop while you’re ahead! Ugh.

“You lie. You’ve never been in one.”

“Why would I lie?” Because, apparently, I want to lower myself to your level. “What, haven’t you been to one?” There’s an audible gasp from the others as I challenge their queen/at my challenge toward their queen. Sylvia stumbles on her words before she speaks. “I’ve been to clubs, don’t try to undermine me. But this is no ordinary club. It’s taken us all summer to locate it. Secret society kinda club. You must be chosen. And if you are, contracts are signed, if you know what I mean.”

“Whips and chains, subs, doms, yadda yadda, so what?” I watch their jaws drop right before they berate me with questions.

“Holy shit, you have been to one!”

“Have you ever signed one? A contract?”

“Are you someone’s sub? Do they hurt you?”

“Have you—”

“Enough!” Sylvia raises her hand, silencing her flock. Her spiteful eyes lock with mine, the hatred for me building with a fierce quickness. “Okay,” she begins, “if you say so, prove it.”


“Prove what, exactly?” I ask in return.

“That you’ve been to one. If you say you’re so capable, go. Get in. Get your hands on a contract and bring it to us. Prove you’re not a fake like your tacky knock-off dress and your act of actually wanting a guy over a girl. I dare you.” Her eyes blare with contempt. Mine bleed with hatred.

“I don’t need to prove anything to—”

“Actually, yes, you do,” she cuts me off. “You see, I don’t believe you. I think you’re lying through your teeth, and I want you to prove me wrong. Or, in this sense, prove me right.”

That I am, but I’m in too deep now to admit it. There’s also no way I’m entering a sex dungeon. I feel the eyes of her squad staring me down, waiting on my next move. Why did I open my fat mouth? Why couldn’t I just let it go and walk away from her? All that I stand for, and she got under my skin within seconds.