I would take her again—soon. I wasn’t accustomed to denying myself anything, especially if it belonged to me, and Megan definitely did. She was mine. In. Every. Way.

“I told you it’s a surprise, Meggie.” I smiled. I’d never smiled before Megan, but since she moved in with me I found myself smiling more and more.

“I like when you call me that,” she whispered and her cheeks bloomed with a deep pink color. “No one ever has before. It’s always Megan or Meg. Meggie feels special when you say it.” She gave her confession with her head down—clearly embarrassed—and yet she had the courage to tell me. I liked that. I liked it a lot.

I was a jaded bastard. I admitted the fact freely. Yet having Megan sitting on my private jet, wearing a white silk pantsuit, her blonde hair brushed until it shone, and clamped at the back of her neck, she seemed every inch a woman of the world—confident and in control, but somehow she still managed to ooze innocence. The fact that she did all of this, despite no longer being a virgin, amazed me. She had a lightness about her, a clean, untouched beauty that was unique in my world. Unique and unheard of.

“Everything about you is special, Meggie,” I told her, giving her complete honesty.

“But I mean… special to you,” she answered softly, and her blush deepened. I was unable to look away, as her perfect white teeth bit into her bottom lip, worrying it. I wanted her teeth on me again—soon.

“Come here, Meggie,” I ordered. My voice dropped down and I knew it betrayed my arousal. I watched as an almost imperceptible shiver moved through her body. She pushed herself up from the thick, beige arms of the custom-made reclining seat and came to stand in front of me.

I grabbed her hip and pulled her down onto my lap, helping her to straddle me so that she sat facing me, with a knee against each of my thighs. I loved the way the pantsuit complemented her complexion. Yet, it was the white color that reminded me of her innocence that had me originally purchasing them. Right then, everything about the clothes annoyed me. I wanted her naked, with nothing hiding her body from my view.

I moved my hand away from her hip and had wrapped it around the side of her neck before I even realized it. The warm, delicate curve of her throat felt soft against my palm. I felt her pulse quicken under my touch. It was a simple thing, but the truth inside that fact made my dick almost as hard as the way her soft ass felt pressed into my lap—almost.

I excited her; she wanted me.

“Why would you doubt that?” I asked, my thumb sliding back and forth against her skin as I waited for her answer. “After the last few days, how could you doubt it?”

“I mean…” she whispered, and then her courage fled. Her gaze left my face after a fleeting glimpse and then she looked down at her hands. I watched as she clasped them together, fidgeting with them nervously. “You haven’t—we haven’t done that… again, not since that night and I thought maybe I… that you were disappointed.” She finished her ramblings with a deep breath and her face practically glowed.

“Does this feel like I was disappointed? Does it feel like I’m not dying to have you again, Meggie?” I asked her. I leaned up to kiss along the side of her throat and let my beard graze against her skin. She jumped at first and then her body relaxed in my arms. She tipped her head back, her neck arching backwards, as she silently pled for more. I flexed my hips and even a naïve woman would have known what it meant when the hard ridge of my shaft pushed against her warm center. “My dick is dying to get back inside of you, little one. Even now cum is running down my shaft, weeping to feel the way you ride me. Trust me, I’ve thought of little else but sliding back inside that greedy little cunt of yours again.”

Her fingers bit into my back, scoring the skin even through my shirt. Her body moved against me as she tried to ride me. Her hips were swaying as if she was in a saddle mounted on a stallion. Christ, she was so fucking perfect.

“Then why haven’t we… haven’t you…?” she asked, lifting her face to mine. Her eyes were expressive, wide and filled with heat.

“Claimed you again?” I questioned. My hand slid along the side of her body. I wanted to fuck her right then—to give her what both of us wanted.

“Yes,” she whimpered. My fingers traveled under the jacket of her pantsuit, dived under the camisole, and continued to move up the tender skin on her stomach. Her intake of breath encouraged me to go further, and I didn’t stop until I cupped her breast. In that moment, I hated the silky material that separated me from her.