Page 84 of Essence (Nectar 3)

“I know,” she replied and she felt it coming at her, all his love and concern and protectiveness. She knew he’d do anything to keep her safe.

“Sergey had to keep his wife hidden; they lived reclusively. He couldn’t let others see that she wasn’t aging. I don’t want that for us, for you. I know how you feel about it. But I don’t know how we’ll play that down the road. Anything can happen. I need to protect you, especially as I make some key moves to shift things. But she was killed. Their home was discovered and she was killed to punish him when he showed some interest in becoming involved in this coalition. Those responsible didn’t know that they were mated for life, just thought she was his enchanted pet. Those responsible for Sergey’s wife’s murder were apparently also responsible for the death of…are you ready for this?”

Kyla nodded.

“My father.”

Tristan rolled over onto his back.

Kyla turned toward him, leaning on an elbow,

“What! What?”

“Yeah, and there’s a strong suspicion Adrian was part of that. And my grandfather, Alexander. My father was supposedly entertaining the idea of moving in the coalition direction. There were several royal vamps being courted by the same people that started this and my father was one of them. As a kid I was told he was mugged and murdered while my mother was pregnant with me. When I was turned I was told he was murdered by those responsible for the murder of my grandfather, as well. It’s known for a fact that Alexander Kovac is dead. It was a fight to the death not long before I was turned and both he and the man that killed him died in that fight and there were credible witnesses, including Sam, Jet Jasper, and Andre Tsakos. But Jonathan Walker, my father, went missing 35 and a half years ago. He was never found. Sergey and he were friendly. Sergey was already an elder, my father was only thirty-one, vamp for six years, when he got Taryn pregnant with me. But they knew one another and Sergey tells me that he was being courted, that my mother being pregnant with me and my father’s knowledge of what my birth could mean for the power for the North American royals made him a prime target for the coalition to win over. Alexander Kovac got wind of that and didn’t like it. He’d chosen my father to mate with Taryn. They were married but supposedly my father loved her. There was a lot to love back then. She was put into a functional trance when they got married and she was to be turned after my birth. Jonathan Walker didn’t make it to meet his son. Sergey thinks my grandfather offed my father. He doesn’t have proof of that but it’s a hunch. He knows who killed Alexander and believes that those same vampires did not kill my father, despite the rumours. He believes Adrian Constantin was involved as well. Constantin and my grandfather were thick as thieves; Sergey’s words. I believe every word that comes out of his mouth. He’s not deceiving me.”

“No, I don’t think he is, either.”

“So, today we have a busy day, princess. We’re talking to Sasha about waking Kyle and then I’m waking Adrian Constantin and finding out the truth about whether or not he was involved with my father’s death. And today is the day that Adrian Constantin dies.”

Kyla was in shock. Not that Adrian was going to die, all the other stuff.

“That’s the most important stuff. Sergey said he considered trickle feeding me information but it’s all on the table now. He and I are very much on the same page. He knows the challenges I have ahead of me. He has the knowledge I need about key players; he understands what you and I have. He’s given me a lot to chew on but I’m feeling confident that I know the way forward. I can’t predict what’ll happen but I know what I need to do next. He’s got a lot of fire power behind him. Me joining this coalition will mean a real fighting chance here in North America. What do you think?”

“I think it’d be a whole lot easier for you and I to ride off into the sunset and live a happily ever after, just the two of us.”

Tristan stared.

“But,” Kyla took a big breath, “That’s not who you are. You have an opportunity to lead. It is your birthright and it’s kind of your responsibility because now you can do something amazing with that privilege. Your royal blood, your strengths, your connections, the gift we’ve been given. And all the science we have from Adrian and Sasha’s efforts plus the other stuff? I am not sure how things will play out but babe I am so so lucky that I’ll get to see you accomplish so many great things. I will help you any way that I can. You tell me what you need and I’m there for you, my prince.”