Page 64 of Essence (Nectar 3)

~~~Tristan was smiling and bouncing a gorgeous baby with curly dark hair on his knee. He held out the baby in offering. “Take her, Kyla; she wants her Mommy.” The green-eyed baby reached her arms up in the air toward Kyla, wanting to be lifted.Kyla’s eyes bolted open wide. She was sitting up. She was more affected by that dream than the dream of Liam Donavan in pieces.

Was that dream a premonition? Or was it just wishful thinking?

She deflated.

She wished she’d gotten to the part where she held the little baby close, where she could feel the soft curls between her fingers, bury her nose against that baby’s skin and inhale her scent. Cuddle her close. She felt longing deep inside her chest. It fucking hurt.

But was this a baby that would be or that’d died because of what Kyla’s ‘grandfather’ had fed her? Maybe he’d killed twins in her. A blue eyed boy and a green-eyed girl.

She’d only slept a little while, since she’d had a nap on the flight as well as slept half the night before heading back.

She went to get up out of bed but Tristan hooked an arm around her waist and yanked her back so that she landed on top of him, her back to his front.

“Hey!” she cried out on a bit of a giggle.

“Mm, get back here. Another bad dream?”

“A weird dream.”

“Talk to me.”

“Naw, it’s alright.”

“You’re gutted. You were happy and now you’re upset. Why?”

“I just was thinking about what happened, after I ovulated and…you know… My dream was… there was a baby.”

She felt something from him that was beyond frightening. His eyes started to darken in colour.

“Tristan, don’t go there.”

His lip curled.

“That’s why I didn’t wanna say anything.” She put her hand on his face. “Let’s just snuggle a little? Please put that anger aside and just hold me? You’re scaring me.”

“Don’t be scared of me. Don’t ever be fucking scared of me.”

“No, not scared of you like you’ll hurt me. Scared of your emotions. They make me feel so much, too.”

“I need to spend this energy. It’s either anger or something else.” He was trying to push it aside; she could feel it.

“Then fuck me, my prince.”

His eyes flickered with heat but he held back a minute.

“Please?” she batted her eyelashes at him.

He flipped her onto her back and they started making out. But it wasn’t sweet. It was desperate. She dug her nails into his back, he was roughly kissing her, grinding against her. The making out rapidly descended into some very fast but hot and heavy missionary position sex that transcended to Kyla’s legs hooked over Tristan’s shoulders while he spectacularly pummeled her, his eyes on hers and exuding ownership, hunger, and intensity.

It was blood-free, or so she thought, but then Tristan got out of bed and she saw that her nails had ripped his back open.

She winced at the sight of it, “Babe!”

He stopped and turned around to look at her, naked Adonis body on display.

“I cut your back.”

“Hmm?” he reached a palm over the opposite shoulder and touched and then saw blood on his hand.

“You’d better clean up your mess, little tigress…” He still wasn’t smiling but his expression had softened a little.

She pounced. He caught her in his arms and then took two steps back to the foot of the bed and put her on her back, then flopped beside her on his belly and she leaned over and started to follow the diagonal trail of bloody scratch marks across his back with her tongue.

He let out a sexy growl and she felt it between her legs. By the time she got to the last score mark on his back it was already healed underneath the red drying blood. It hadn’t been a lot of blood but it was enough to get her motor seriously running.

“More,” she whispered against his earlobe, climbing over to his right side, staying on her knees. He turned over onto his back and grabbed her knee and repositioned her so that she was straddling him fully. He guided his cock back inside her, “Mm, you feel so damn good.”

“More,” she whispered, leaned over, and playfully nipped at his earlobe.

“In a minute,” He pushed her back gently by the shoulders so she was upright. He began kneading her breasts and then sat up and got a nipple into his mouth and sucked, hard.

Her head rolled back, “Mm, more, baby.”

He chuckled, “Greedy little girl,” then he planted another kiss on her lips.

She nipped at his lower lip, “Yes, so greedy. And I need more. Now, baby. Please. I’m not joking.”

“Uh uh; not yet. Good things come to good girls who wait,” he teased and rolled her onto her back, her head at the foot of the bed, lifted her ankles, and drove deep inside as she wrapped her legs around him.