Page 51 of Essence (Nectar 3)

Tristan’s jaw clenched.

“Please don’t worry. It’s only because it’s common knowledge who you are and how those things are handled in terms of enchanted pets. Anyone in a high level position would have an idea based on timing alone. He keeps his eye on things. He didn’t know specifics, not about what’d transpired of the union of you both, but any elders with ties to North America would know that you were paired with someone chosen for you specifically and because of your bloodline, they’d know it’d be anticipated. Anyway, he’s also aware of Dr. Constantin’s work. Well aware. He’s not a fan, obviously. He’d like to know if you could meet with him. If he cannot convince you to join us he’s willing to be outed. He feels the time has come. I hope you’ll consider it, all of what we have to say. You are welcome to stay here and relax. He will arrive in a few days. He says he has a lot of information to share about your bond with Kyla.”

“Keep talkin’,” Tristan urged.

“The gist of what he’s told me is that by you feeding her your blood, you’ve altered the course of your connection. Because she was already bonded to you, you doing that cemented a completely symbiotic relationship. A marriage, if you will. Essentially, the bond between you two has strengthened her as it strengthens you, because of the amount of vampire DNA she has. This isn’t possible unless there’s a high amount of vamp DNA on both ends. Wouldn’t work if one of you was simply turned, for instance. And while new talents are evolving in you, she’s also evolving. We know she started evolving even before the turning but now it’ll escalate. She now relies on you. You two are firmly symbiotic. If she’d been turned vampress by a family member, by a true vamp, or even a turned vamp the results would’ve been different. She would’ve gone straight to royal vamp. But because she was turned by the vamp she had already been bonded with, it generated these results, a symbiosis. She feeds you. You feed her. She’s a bit like a fangless vamp who feeds only on her mate. She didn’t have enough blood at the turning and then going without put her into that state.”


Kyla shivered. This was huge.

“You and Kyla personify the term soulmates. Some animals mate for life. Vamps are among such animals but few of them know this. It’s a choice, a choice you made, even if you didn’t know it. You can now only exist together. There’s push and pull, where you each continually give one another what the other needs. You continually evolve for one another. But it’s not always easy to do that when you don’t know what the other needs. If this was generations ago and you were in an established coven, you’d be told that this was an option among royals and enchanted blooded unturned royals but one that requires a complete level of commitment. Nowadays, that doesn’t happen much. Not only because it’s not widely known about but also because it’s only possible with a very high level of vampire DNA. There’s more dilution in the race nowadays than generations ago when this was more likely. A lot of things about our race are changing because of evolution. This isn’t widely known about. For some good reasons. But yeah, soulmates.” Sasha got a dreamy expression and Kyla suspected Sasha was a romantic at heart.

“Kyla, if you were completely turned to vamp you’d no longer be able to feed him but due to the fact that you’d bonded.” She turned to Tristan, “The turn she took, while she was down, gave you even more of what you needed. It was a sacrifice she was making for you. Being a symbiotic relationship, because you turned her to vamp, she needs to feed on you as well. In the early days she needs a lot of it. It’s a choice the vampire makes and it shouldn’t be made lightly because you need one another to survive. You feeding her was the start of the symbiosis. She didn’t have a constant supply of your blood to continue to change. You needed to feed her again to continue with it. But you didn’t, because you had no idea, so she became ill. Now you should also know that if you lost Kyla, you’d get sick as well; you’d die, eventually, and it’d probably be a long and painful death. For her, it would be painful but likely a lot quicker. The longer you’re together, the longer that would take. You need one another like never before. You have a bond that will continually deepen. You don’t have fangs for feeding, obviously, but his blood is your nectar and he’ll have to provide it for you when you need it. The elder is extremely powerful and he’s very familiar with this. He is a child of parents who had a symbiotic bond just like yours. He says there’s more but he’d like to meet you.”