Page 22 of Teacher's Pet Wolf

Except Ranger does, in an instant—powerful arms wrapping me up so tight, so close to his huge body. I cry out and thrash against that strong grip, but he doesn’t release his hold.

“I’ll never let you go,” he snarls into my ear. “Never.”

The vow douses the fight in me. All panic gone. Only pain left. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tell him on a sobbing breath, “You will.”

“No,” Ranger replies, more softly this time. “And you can’t scare me away, Miss Simmons. So don’t even try. Now, is this your sister who’s about to shoot me?”

Samantha, standing in the open door of her patrol vehicle—her hand ready on the weapon at her hip, her face pale. “That was a hell of a jump you both just made. You okay, sis?”

No. But I nod, forcing myself to swallow past the lump in my throat. “We were just about to get breakfast.”

Her gaze flicks downward. “Not like that, I hope.”

Because I’m still in my little dress, even through my transformation, but barefoot. And Ranger is stark naked. If he wasn’t holding me so close, she’d probably already be writing up an indecent exposure citation.

There’s a pillowy thump as a pair of jeans and T-shirt drop to the ground. On the balcony above, a big man waves at us.

“Got you covered, brother. So we’re meeting downstairs?”

“Bring my boots,” Ranger rumbles, then presses a kiss to my temple. “Why don’t you take your sister up to the room while you change. Then my brother and I will meet you in the restaurant and answer any questions you have about this curse. All right?”

Wide-eyed, Sam arches her brows at me.

On a shuddering sigh, I nod. “Okay.”

But he doesn’t immediately let me go. For another second, he holds me close. “I meant every damn word I said, Alicia. You’re mine now. I’m yours. And I’ll never leave.”

Throat aching, I can only nod again. Not really believing it.

But it’s a wonderful thing to dream.7RangerShe doesn’t believe me. Any other time, any other woman, maybe that would have pissed me off. Having to prove myself.

But not with Alicia. With her, I’m lucky to get a chance at all. I know that for damn sure. Because her sister’s upstairs telling her that maybe she shouldn’t be so quick to push me away, and to listen to what I have to say first.

Which means I wasn’t wrong about Alicia. She isn’t just shy, she’s also wary. And, fuck. After what I saw in that hotel room, I can’t blame her. She probably doesn’t think anyone can handle that.

She’s almost right. Most people couldn’t.

But I can.

Brandon slides his phone across the table with a message written there for me. You ever get around to telling her about the job?

I grit my teeth. No, I didn’t. So she really doesn’t know yet that I’m staying.

He shakes his head at me like I’m the most pathetic asshole who ever lived. “You know that communication is the most important part of a relationship, yeah?”

“You get that from Instagram, too?” Because he’s sure as hell no expert on relationships.

“It was from Dad,” he says.

Shit. He’s got me there. Our parents are as solid as any couple I’ve ever seen. You wouldn’t think it, a wolf and a bear. But they’ve made it work for thirty years, so they’re doing something right.

Brandon begins writing something else. Growing up in a family where everyone has excellent hearing means learning how to avoid someone listening in on what they shouldn’t. Alicia and Sam haven’t quite worked that through yet—or maybe they just don’t realize how easy it is for me and Brandon to pick up what they’re saying.

Or maybe they think we’re decent men who’ll respect their privacy. Most of the time, we would. But fuck that right now. I need to know how to fight for her.

Brandon shows me his phone again. Never seen a cursed werewolf change. Was it as bad as it sounded?

“Worse,” I say softly. And not because of the way she looked. As a werewolf, she’s gorgeous. Sleek and strong, fur tinged the same red as her hair. But the way it happened was fucking horrifying, literally breaking and ripping her apart—and hurting her. Hurting her so goddamn bad, and taking forever to finish.

That’s not how it is for Brandon or me. The change happens in a blink. And it feels good, like a warm stretch after a deep sleep.

“What triggered it?” he asks.

“Me.” Terrifying the fuck out of her. My chest still aches from the way she screamed and panicked. But she knew that I intended to transform. She asked me to do it. So I don’t figure it was me that really scared her. Voice real low, I tell him, “I’m thinking she got ripped up bad.”

His face hardens and the rest goes without saying. We’ll find who it was. But since I hear Alicia and her sister on their way, that’s something we can discuss later.