Page 14 of Addicted

“Well, I guess that I should find a motel then,” I declare wearily. “My car isn’t getting picked up now.”

“Okay.” Tim sits up a little straighter in his seat. “Well if that’s the case then you have nowhere to be in a rush. So, I am going to take you out for dinner and drinks, okay? I think you need it, don’t you?”

“Oh no.” I shake my head hard. “Tim, you have already done so much for me. You helped me with my car, you brought me here, you waited for me while I was in the middle of that nightmare…” I shudder at just the memory of it. “And now you have listened to me weeping. I can’t ask more from you and I won’t. In fact…”

But Tim won’t let me get out of the car. He holds on to my arm and gives me a pleading look. “Please, Kayla. Please, let me take you out to dinner. Let me look after you. You know that I don’t have anywhere to be, and I honestly won’t be able to relax until I know that you are okay. I am too worried about you.”

“You… you don’t need to worry about me. You barely know me. And honestly, I will be fine…”

I think that we both know I won’t be okay any time soon but I’m hoping that Tim will let it slide. But he’s shaking his head already, refusing to allow me to go. In a way, it’s kinda nice to know that this man who is basically a stranger to me cares enough to want to make sure I’m okay. I haven’t ever met anyone like that, who is more concerned with feelings than grades and success. It’s pretty crazy to me. But nice as well.

“Let me take you out for dinner, then we can find a motel. I wouldn’t mind spending a night here anyway, it’s a nice place. Plus, I promised to take you back to your car and I would like to keep up with that promise.”

To be honest, I don’t know how I will make it back to my car without Tim and he’s really being the nicest person in the world, seemingly with no agenda as well which blows my mind, and I don’t want to throw that kindness back in his face. He really does seem to want to do this for me as well, which is awesome.

“Dinner and drinks.” I smile thinly at him. “Okay, I don’t see why not. Let’s do this.”

“Great.” Tim brings his car to life with an excitable look on his face. “Looking forward to it already. I haven’t explored this little town before and I’m looking forward to getting to know it better.”

How wonderful it must be to have that as a priority, to have that as a main worry. I honestly don’t know how Tim does it, how the world doesn’t weigh down on him. He really is fascinating to me.I don’t know if it’s the wine or Tim himself, but the more that the night has gone on, the less stressed I have been about everything. The burden of the messed up job interview is still there, clinging to the back of my brain, but it isn’t quite so sharp anymore. It doesn’t feel like quite so much of a nasty stress.

“You really do make me laugh.” Tim tosses his head back and chuckles loudly. “I didn’t know that you were so funny, Kayla. You hid that side of yourself away, didn’t you? I like it.”

No one has ever laughed at something I said and called me funny before, I don’t even know what I said to bring on the giggling but I like it a lot. It’s intoxicating to be made to feel like I’m interesting, to feel like Tim likes me. I know that he’s kind so he’s probably just being nice to me, but still… it’s a warm sensation.

I find myself laughing as well and I’m not sure why. My world is coming to and end and I’m laughing. That’s pretty weird, isn’t it? I must be losing my mind here. This isn’t like me at all. I don’t even want to imagine what my mother would say if she could see me now. She would have some very unpleasant words to describe me, I’m sure. The same way that she used to discuss other people my age who didn’t put their education first. Even when I once tried to tell her that some people like having fun, she didn’t get it and I suppose she never will.

“Want another drink?” Tim waves my empty glass at me. “We should get another, right? Before last orders are called and we have to go back to that motel.” He screws up his nose and I laugh once more. It isn’t the best place in the world to stay but I’m sure that as a traveler he has seen worse. “Yep, I’m getting another.”