Her eyes light up and I can feel that intense sizzling between us once more. She likes the idea of me thinking about her wherever I am. I like it as well, I think. I’d prefer us not to go our separate ways…
Kiss her. My brain screams this at me, almost making me jump. Kiss her, this is the last chance.
I probably shouldn’t because it will only complicate something that already feels a little difficult to me, it will make this even more of a challenging goodbye than it’s going to be anyway, and since goodbyes are normally breezy for me, I don’t know how it will make me feel as I’m walking away from her.
My hand is on her cheek, before I can even really decide what I’m doing her, my fingers graze her skin and I find myself moving ever so slowly closer to her. Kayla’s eyes glaze over, she looks like I’ve sent her spinning off on to another planet already, which only makes my lips hungrier to taste her. I close the gap between us, our bodies almost press up against one another and I dip my head low. We are millimeters away from one another, just breathing each other in, existing in our own little bubble ignoring the rest of the world.
And then I do it. I can’t stop myself any longer and my lips connect with her. My mouth tingles, fireworks explode in my stomach, my heart hammers violently against my rib cage. In one fluid movement, the kiss deepens, my hands knot up in her hair, her hands grip on to my hips. It might not be in the best place, but there is something utterly perfect about this kiss. It’s magical, the world stops turning, it makes me want to give more to her than I have ever given to another woman before. This one kiss with Kayla Smalls might have changed me irrevocably, which is something that no one could have ever seen coming. I don’t know where we’re going to go from here, but I’m glad I kissed her, I’m excited to find out…Chapter 10 – KaylaOh wow. I never knew that kissing could feel this good. I didn’t realize that being this connected with a man before. If I had then I might have spent my college years dating, chasing this high, and I wouldn’t be in the mess that I find myself in right now. Then again, I’m glad that I didn’t because there is something wonderful about this moment. I’m glad that I waited until this exact moment, that I waited for Tim Wilson, because he is amazing.
As his tongue snakes between my lips and I feel the passion circling and crashing through us, I lose my mind. Any rationality that I would normal have goes flying out the window, as does my usual anxiety and self doubt. This might be the first moment in my whole existence where I have lived in the moment and I love it. I never want it to end. I find myself drawn closer to Tim, wanting more from him, needing to know what he has.
There is a definite tingling between my thighs that I haven’t experienced before. Perhaps that should scare the living hell out of me, but it doesn’t. It screams and fizzes through my veins, making me wilder and far more animalistic. I don’t think I would mind if Tim wanted to take control of this situation to take it further…
“Whoop, whoop!” All of a sudden, the obnoxious whistling and whooping coming from the guys who have just fixed up my car make me jump, bringing me back to reality with a thump. We are in public, in a garage. I’m sharing my first kiss ever with a drifter who is about to vanish off in to the sun set forever, with an audience. I might not have spent a great deal of my time imaging what my first kiss would be like, but it isn’t this.
“Shit.” I press my hands to his chest and shove Tim back quickly. “Shit, that was…”
There is a heat traveling through my body, reddening my cheeks, showing my embarrassment. Tim doesn’t look bothered by this at all which only highlights yet again that we are from different worlds. This is my first kiss ever and it doesn’t look like it’s his first kiss with people watching. How imperfect is that?
“Are you okay?” Tim tries to touch me, but I snatch away from him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to freak you out.”
“What are you doing?” I snap back angrily. “I’m trying to say goodbye here. What are you playing at?”
“By kissing you?” He knots his eyebrows together as if this question actually confuses him. “But you kissed me back, Kayla. I was feeling a vibe and I’m sure that you were feeling it as well.”