Page 17 of Addicted

“Kayla…” I bolt up right in bed all covered in sweat with shock coursing through my system. “What the…?”

It takes me a couple of moments to recognize that I am alone in this bedroom, that as intense as all of that was, it never happened. None of it was real. That sex dream was just that… a dream. Kayla went to her own motel room at the end of the night, she didn’t come back with me, she didn’t transform from a shy girl to a sex goddess, although she did get a bit more confident over time the more we drank, but she didn’t totally transform. I just made that up in my head because it’s what I wanted to happen. I wanted us to end up in bed last night.

“You asshole.” I grab on to my aching fore head and flop back on the bed. “Why would you want that?”

Just because we had fun last night it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t the worst day in Kayla’s life. I’m glad that nothing really happened between us or I would have been taking advantage of someone who feels like her life is coming to an end. After a car break down and a shitty job interview, the last thing that she would have wanted was to have sex with someone that she surely would have regretted anyway. She knows that I’m not a long term guy and I can’t imagine her being a one night stand kind of girl. Not Kayla Smalls, no way. I would be surprised if she has ever had a fling with anyone. She is a serious relationship type of person always.

We’re far too different, me and her. Much as that could be quite thrilling in the bedroom, I don’t know if two people from the opposite end of the scale ever should cross that boundary because it could be problematic, couldn’t it? I can only see it causing issues. Plus, I’m supposed to be helping her. A hero doesn’t help the heroine because he wants something from her, because her beauty strikes him, and he can’t help himself. He does it to be a nice person and that’s what I’m going to be. I will help Kayla with her car, and we’ll go our separate ways. That’s the way it’s always been meant to be and that’s the way it will go.

I’m pretty sure that I won’t ever be able to forget her though, she will always be a big part of my memory, no matter what happens next. There is something about her that will always remain.

“Get out of bed,” I murmur to myself as I rub the sleep from my eyes. “Get out of bed and do the right thing today. And don’t, no matter what happens, think about the dream because that… doesn’t mean a thing. Or it doesn’t have to anyway. I can just forget all about it. Definitely.”Chapter 8 – KaylaRing, ring… Ring, ring… Ring, ring…

I pace up and down the motel room all twisted up in knots, unable to calm myself down enough to hit that answer button. My mother has been calling me for the past ten minutes and she isn’t giving up, nor is she going to. I know what she’s like, I also know what information she has on me, and this can’t be good.

“Come on,” I tell myself nervously with a shaking to the core. “Just pick it up, be brave, okay?”

I don’t even need to say anything. All I need to do is press the green button to let my mother in to my life and all hell unleashes on me. She starts screaming so loudly I wonder if she needs the phone for me to hear her at all.

“What the hell is going on, Kayla?” She’s giving herself a heart attack. I would love to tell her that she needs to calm down, but I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Nor is she going to let me get a word in edge ways any time soon. “What are you trying to do to me here? You go off to your job interview then just don’t come home even though you know I’m going to be waiting for you all night long. I even called the police, but they said that you need to be gone for forty eight hours before I can panic. Forty eight hours, as if you wouldn’t be dead already by then. So, in the end I had no choice. I had to call Bertram to see if you even made it to the job interview and he was ashamed to tell me what a damn mess you made of it. You do realize that there is no way he will hire you now, right? You don’t stand a chance of working for that law firm. Not a chance in hell.”