Page 27 of Blind Date

“No, I don’t,” I tell her honestly. “I just go along with what I am feeling at the time and right at that moment I didn’t like the way that you were flirting. It made me feel all weird inside…”

I don’t know if I am being too honest here, if I am opening up a little too much, but I’m just going along with it anyway. Just seeing where it leads me. Maybe tonight after we have one too many drinks, we will both express ourselves that little bit more. Then there is no telling where that will lead then. It could be awesome. All I know for sure is that me and Gemma are bound to end up in bed together tonight because even if we can’t agree on anything else, there is no denying our sexual chemistry, No hiding away from it either.Chapter 12 – Gemma“Urgh, I have got to stop drinking do much?” I groan as I finally let the morning come for me and wake me up. “I hate hang overs. They really don’t suit me, and they make it so much harder to be productive.”

“But we did have fun last night, right?” Daniel declares in the bed beside me, not looking like a man who is suffering the after effects of too much alcohol which is very irritating. “It was great once we left the event.”

“Once you had me all to yourself you mean?” I roll my eyes. “You are so predictable.”

Since this is only supposed to be a hooking up type of deal, it should annoy me that he was possessive about me and that he acted like a jealous boyfriend, but it doesn’t. I weirdly kind of like it. It feels nice to be the center of someone’s focus, to have this man devoted to me in a way that I really wasn’t expecting. I don’t know what it means about my feelings for this man, but I just don’t want to delve in to that right now.

“Oh, whatever.” He pulls me across the bed until I am lying on top of him. “Just kiss me.”

I do for a while, but eventually the sounds of both of our cell phones blasting out over and over again grabs our focus and demands our attention. With a deep sigh I roll off of Daniel and dig around down the side of his bed to see if I can find my hand bag with my cell phone inside. I am groaning so loudly with irritation that I barely even notice the gasps coming out of Daniel’s mouth. I don’t even think to ask him what’s wrong.

“What the hell?” I have loads of messages, it’s absolutely crazy. Once I manage to get my hands on my phone, I push myself up in to a sitting position to see properly, just in case this is an emergency…

My heart stops beating. Once I see what everyone is messaging me about, what people want me to see, my world turns upside down and I don’t know what to think. I blink a few times, trying to make all of this go away or maybe to wake up since this has to be a nightmare, but nothing changes. Everything remains exactly as awful as it is right now. I just know that my whole world is about to be flipped upside down in the worst way possible. I know how these things work and I know that everything that I have spent my life working towards is about to crash and burn underneath this. This right here might well be the end of me.

A single tear drips down cheek and my hand claps over my mouth as I stare at this video, an image that gets increasingly worse by the second, and I can see how I look in it as well. Like a maniac.

“You leaked a sex tape of us online?” I hiss without turning around to face Daniel. “Why?”

“I didn’t do this!” he exclaims sounding as shocked as me. “It’s the CCTV footage inside the elevator. I didn’t even know that there was a camera in there, did you? And why would I want to be seen this way?”

But he doesn’t seem to understand or acknowledge that the world is an unfair place with massive double standards where he will only confirm his status as a play boy and I will look like a slut. It doesn’t help that I clearly initiate the interaction between us. I look like I am desperate for him.

“Was this your plan all along?” I drop my cell phone and grab my clothing to dress myself as quickly as I can. “Have you wanted to sabotage me this whole time? Has this all been some business scheme?” I am shaking from head to foot. “I wouldn’t put anything passed you, Daniel, you are ruthless. You don’t care who you take down along the way. Even me and I am the God damn fool who fell for it.”