Page 24 of Blind Date

“You could have thrown the card away, couldn’t you? You didn’t have to call me.” I bristle under his accusation but say nothing. “So, what are you up to right now? It sounds like you are out. Unfortunately for me I just have so much work to do that I am still in the office. It’s hard to be so busy….”

“I’m on a date.” God, I am giving him exactly what he wants. I am fighting him and also trying to make him jealous. I shouldn’t be but I can’t seem to help myself. I am a God damn mess. “With a very nice man.”

“You are on a date, huh?” He sounds annoyingly bemused. “Yet you’re calling me. I take it you aren’t having as much fun as we had on our night with Paige taking a million and one photos?”

“That wasn’t a real date,” I snap back angrily. “That was all for show. You know that.”

“Hmm, and yet what happened underneath the surface wasn’t for show, was it?” I can almost picture the damn smug expression on his face right now and it infuriates me. “What happened the next day wasn’t either and I have to admit that was my favorite part of the date. It’s a part that I would like to re visit.”

I have to admit that the tingling between my thighs would like to go back to as well, even if it isn’t the wisest thing in the world. The idea of getting that spark back once more is too much for words. I wanted it for Connor but that isn’t going to happen, so maybe I could get it from Daniel. We don’t have to like one another to screw around, do we? And what’s the harm if we are both getting what we want out of it? I mean, there is no chance of me having sex with Daniel and not having an orgasm, he never lets that happen.

“I think that maybe you should come up with an emergency and leave your date,” Daniel continues, sensing the way that my brain is going. “Meet me by my office and we could re visit the fun that we have together.”

I know that I shouldn’t, it’s absolutely obvious that this is the worst idea in the world, yet I find myself agreeing readily. I guess my body has taken control of my brain right now and my need for satisfaction is over shadowing absolutely everything else. I crave some incredible pleasure and I am going to get it. From my enemy.

Luckily there is no one else in the bathroom once I leave the toilet cubicle, so I don’t have to feel like an idiot. Instead, I can stare at my reflection in the mirror, at the stranger looking back at me. I don’t know who the hell this woman is, who is about to bail on a date with a perfectly nice man to go and have sex with Daniel. But even listening to how ludicrous that sounds in my mind isn’t enough to stop me. I want him too badly for that…

And I have to admit that it’s worth it when I eventually get to Daniel’s office and I see that gorgeous hunk of a man waiting for me. He might be an asshole who I don’t like one bit, but he’s sexy as fuck and it’s only his body that I need right now. I’m pretty sure that we have an understanding as well. We don’t even need to talk to one another, we just need to both get our much-needed release. It’s perfect.

“You got out of your date then.” He smiles smugly. “What did you say?”

I grab his hand and start walking determinedly, knowing that I’m not about to get in to any personal details with this man. “That isn’t any of your business. I’m not here to make chit chat with you. Now come on, let’s get a cab back to my place so we can get to the reason we are actually hanging out… and it isn’t to get to know one another.”Chapter 11 – DanielTwo Weeks Later…This networking event is a lot more exciting than they usually are, but that’s because every so often I can feel Gemma making eyes at me and it’s thrilling me to the core. Thankfully, the gossip about us has died down so no one is talking about us these days, no one else knows that we are actually sleeping together now. But not as a relationship thing. More just hooking up. I would call it friends with benefits, but we aren’t exactly friends. We don’t spend time together unless we are having sex, which isn’t usual, but it works for us.

Sure, I personally would still like it to be something more, I still like her more than she does me and would prefer to explore where it could go. Every time I talk to Tim he tries to persuade me of the same thing because he loves the idea that Gemma means more to me than a one-night stand, but she doesn’t want more, so for the time being I am more than happy to carry on the way that we are. It’s a whole lot of fun anyway.