I grab my cell phone but immediately realize that I can’t call Daniel because I don’t have his cell phone number. But I won’t allow that to deter me. Instead I am going to call his office to get his contact details. I have made enough phone calls in my life to know that I can get anything out of anyone if I need to.
“Hello, Advertising Enterprises, how may I help you?” comes the immediate silky reply.
“Is Daniel Wilson there please?” I bark, not in the mood for messing around. “Please tell him that it’s Gemma Dove calling for him. I’m sure he will know what I am talking about.”
“Ah, Gemma.” The girl on the other end of the phone talks to me like I am an old friend. “How are you? It looks like you had a really great date for the charity last night. The pictures are online…”
“They are?” I have to admit this takes the wind out my sails a little bit. As the girl talks to me, I grab my laptop and switch it on to take a look at the charity website and yep, just as stated, the pictures are there, torturing me, reminding me of a simpler time when I hadn’t hopped in to bed with my enemy. “Oh my God.”
“Yes, so Daniel has actually gone home to work for the day, but I can pass on your details…”
“Can you just give me his address instead?” I growl back. “I want to see him, and I know that he wants to see me as well.” A little white lie doesn’t hurt anyone. Well, maybe Daniel but that’s all. “I know he does.”
Much to my relief, she doesn’t push me further and she gives me the much-needed information. I nearly fist bump with excitement when I know that I can confront Daniel now without making a scene. I don’t want to make it worse by yelling at him in front of all of his employees, especially when it looks like the world is already talking about is. There are comments galore on these pictures and I don’t like it one bit.
“Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. I’m sure that I will speak to you soon. You have been great.”
“Oh sure, any advice that you need about Daniel, that’s what I am here for…” she tells me in a syrupy smooth voice. God, it really sounds like everyone already sees us as a couple after one dinner… although I suppose if I am truly honest with myself and I look at these images with an outsider mentality, not including my own feelings in this, then we do kinda look like we are a couple here and that we’re having fun. You wouldn’t know that at the moment the photographs were being taken, we were hissing insults at one another.
Once I hang up the phone, I do stop just to admire how good we could look together if we didn’t hate each other. It could be something pretty cool, if we wanted it to be. But then I remember that the reason we can’t even talk about that right now is because he walked out on me like an asshole, like a piece of shit, and the red-hot anger burns all the way through my body once more. This is why I need to kick his ass. My body is flaming, raging, consumed with such a temper that I am even scaring myself with the sheer volume of it all.
I need to get showered and dressed, make myself look my best, then go and tell him what is what. He needs to learn that he can’t just behave like an asshole all the time. That he can’t make people feel like he has done me. I mean, does he even know that this is what he’s doing? Does he understand that this is the fall out of his actions? I don’t know and I don’t know if I want to hear his excuses right now. I just want to do some yelling…My whole body trembles with rage as I stand outside the front door of Daniel Wilson. This is a place where I never thought that I would be and even less so in this situation, but here I am, facing my worst nightmare. I look good, that is the only saving grace. I have made sure that I am on top form so he can see that I mean business.
“Come on,” I hiss to myself trying to gear myself up. “Come on, just do this already.”
I bang hard, probably a little too hard on his door. Immediately I wince but then I realize that this is good. This is me setting the tone for what is to come next. He needs to know that I’m not messing about.