Page 51 of Her Filthy Italians

“Everything hurts, but I’ll survive.”

“We were so scared for you,” Sefi whispers.

I stare into her beautiful blue eyes. “As I was for you.”

Marco clears his throat and shuffles in his seat. He ums and ahs a couple of times, then blurts out, “I have a confession. A good one. I told Sefi that we love her…”

Candid as ever, but, fuck, how I love him.

My gaze follows his, takes in the sight of our beautiful angel.

She blushes. “Marco overheard me fessing up to Camila that I love you and him…”

“You love us? Both of us?” I hear the incredulity.

Her adorable smile goes straight to my heart. “I do…”

“I’ve loved Marco for years. Nothing was missing between us. We didn’t need anyone else.” I speak sluggishly, stopping to gather my thoughts. “I never imagined loving anyone else, but the love I feel for him has expanded to include you, Sefi. I’m just so sorry you’ve gotten caught up in this Mafia shit…”

“Love is infinite, amore.” She’s called me amore and I fucking love it. She reaches for my hand and squeezes my fingers. “I’m fine…”

Marco takes my other hand. “You need to rest, tesoro. Your parents are on their way, also your brother Luigi. And Deputy Superintendent Koffler sends his good wishes. He’ll visit asap.”

“What happened to the motherfucker who shot me?” I have to ask.

“He’s behind bars,” Marco growls. “I hope they’ve locked him up and thrown away the fucking key.”

“Ha,” I snort, then wince with pain. “I can’t wait to get out of here and deal with him.” I smirk. “But, more importantly, I can’t wait to get out of here and make love to you both.”

Sefi catches Marco’s eye, then speaks for the two of them. “We’ll be waiting for you, amore.”

And I know that’s what they’ll do. Like Marco and I couldn’t make love without Sefi, I know they’ll wait for me to leave the hospital and join them in bed.

A sudden thought occurs to me. “Where’s Camila?”

Marco and Sefi glance at each other. Uh huh, there’s something they aren’t telling me. “She’s in the waiting room,” Sefi sighs. “Can you believe we had a sleepover with her there last night?”

I laugh and again I wince at the pain. “Any idea how long they’ll keep me in the hospital?”

They shake their heads. “Just concentrate on healing,” Sefi says, squeezing my fingers.

Tiredness presses down on me like a heavy blanket and my eyelids close. Through the fogginess invading my brain, I’m aware of my lovers kissing me again before they push back their chairs and leave me to sleep.* * *I’m being moved out of the ICU, so the doctor informs me when I wake up. And that’s what happens after a couple of nurses take the tubes and lines from my arms. Not those in my chest and upper abdomen, though. “They’ll need to stay for a few more days,” the older nurse says.

With quiet efficiency, they wheel my bed down the corridor to a room overlooking the hospital gardens. A physical therapist attends, and teaches me breathing exercises, telling me I’m doing great, and that the pain will lesson with each passing hour.

I want more opiates, but I clench my jaw and resist asking for them. My brain needs to be clear for when I talk to Marco and Sefi, and for when my parents and brother arrive.

Marco saunters into the room a little while later, followed by Sefi and another woman… whom I guess to be Camila judging by the resemblance to her sister.

He tells me I’m looking a lot better. “I’ve organized hotel rooms nearby so we can visit you every day until you get out of here.” He pauses, swipes a hand across his forehead. “I’ve also hired bodyguards…”

I breathe through the ache at the back of my throat.

Fucking Framassi.

Sefi introduces me to her sister. Camila touches her fingers to mine. “I’m so sorry you got shot, Alessio.”

“So am I,” I chuckle, wincing at the pain.

Marco and Sefi hold my hands, and we discuss the practicalities of them visiting me while I’m still in the hospital. We’re interrupted by the arrival of my parents and brother. Marco introduces Sefi and Camila to them, then suggests they leave us to have family time while they check into their hotel. “We’ll take a shower and change into the clothes I’ve already arranged to be collected from our apartment,” he adds.

Mamma kisses me and asks, “How are you feeling?”

My mouth twists. “Happy to be alive.”

She brushes the hair back from my forehead and plants a kiss there. “We were so worried… we thought we were going to lose you.”

“It would take more than two bullets in the torso,” I quip.

Papà pulls up a chair. “You should have been wearing body armor,” he huffs.

“It’s not standard practice, although I’ll definitely consider it next time.”