* * *Koffler sits next to me in the police launch as we speed toward the island of Mazzorbo. He managed to get some shut eye in an empty cell while I waited for Zanin’s wife and daughter to be collected… and the paperwork to be completed before the boatman finally divulged the whereabouts of the house where Sefi is being held.
The Lagoon is still shrouded in mist… it’s like we are heading into the pits of Hell. We’ve brought two armed officers with us for back-up. I place my hand on the Beretta 92FS pistol in the holster strapped to my chest. We won’t enter the property, guns blazing, I’ve decided. Gods knows what would happen to Sefi if we did that. We’ll need to ascertain where she is first.
The launch heads up the canal which slices the island in two and drops us opposite the Church of Santa Caterina. We’ll walk from here. The island is known for its artichoke fields, vineyards and fruit trees. I give the order for us to separate, so as not to draw too much attention, and we head toward a group of private houses, stopping near the one that Zain pointed out to us on Google maps. It’s more a gothic villa than a house, and we surround it stealthily.
Steeling myself, I inch my way around the side of the building and take a quick peek through a window on the ground floor. The room inside is empty. Damn!
We check through all the downstairs windows. No one here.
Did Zanin lie again? No, he wouldn’t risk his daughter’s life. Sefi must be upstairs.
Koffler comes up to me. “What are your orders, Commissario?”
“We’ll take them by surprise.”
It isn’t hard to pick the lock of the back door. The two officers go up ahead of us, and I hear the roar of gunfire.
I pound up the stairs, every nerve in my body jangling in anticipation.
Guns blaze and bullets fly.
I weave my way forward, shooting at anyone who comes into my path.
Got to get to Sefi.
I run through the entire top floor while my men take care of the five motherfuckers skulking up here. They kill two and wound the rest, but Sefi is nowhere to be seen.
My pulse races as I search again. Frantically. Desperately. She has to be here. I stand on the landing, my head pounding, my chest aching.
She isn’t here.
I’ve looked everywhere, but she isn’t here.
My heart feels heavy in my chest, my lungs hurt as I breathe through the agony of disappointment.
Sefi. Sefi. Where are you?
Has Zanin played me for a fool?
Fuck, I hope Framassi hasn’t taken her away…
I’ve never wanted to hurt someone so badly in all my life as I do right now. I let out a harsh, barking laugh. It’s empty, devoid of any emotion. I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t find Sefi soon.
I draw my brows together, and an idea occurs to me.
These types of houses usually have cellars.
“Come with me,” I command Koffler.
“Yes, Sir.”
He tells the men to keep an eye on the wounded and call for an ambulance.
I go from room to room downstairs with him, looking for the cellar entrance. Eventually, we find a door in the corner of the kitchen. I pull it open and it hits the wall with a loud bang.
Koffler turns on the flashlight on his phone.
I take the first step, my heart racing, pumping wildly.
At the bottom of the stairs, I press my hand against the wall, searching for a light switch.
I flick it on and the cellar is illuminated. I stare at the rough stone walls, the moldy stench of dampness invading my nostrils.
My stomach twists and I step forward on shaky legs.
Sefi is there in front of me, lying on the cold hard floor, pushed against the wall. She’s gagged, and there are chains around her ankles and wrists.
I rush forward and fall down beside her, smoothing the hair away from her face, kissing her on the forehead and reaching behind her head to untie the gag.
“I’m here, bambina. I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”
Her eyes widen with horror. What the fuck?
I turn around and break out in a cold sweat.
A man with a pock-marked face is holding a gun to the side of Koffler’s head.
“Step away from her,” he growls.
But one of the officers we left upstairs has crept up behind the man.
He grabs Koffler and pulls him away.
Now, the gun that was held at the side of Koffler’s head is pointed at me.
Holy fucking shit!
Adrenalin courses through me. I reach for my Beretta, but I’m not fast enough.
A shot rings out.
I feel my flesh absorb the shock waves of a bullet piercing my chest.
Another shot and I topple over sideways.
Sefi whimpers through her gag.
My vision blurs, and fear invades every cell in my body.