Page 38 of Her Filthy Italians

I withdraw and flip her onto her back, covering her with my body while Marco kisses her softly… her eyes, the end of her nose, her lips. I fuck her more slowly now, circling my hips as I dive in, my pelvis rubbing against her clit. I want to come, but I won’t let myself. Not until she has climaxed again, which she does with a massive shudder, my cock deep inside her and Marco’s mouth on hers while he swallows her moans.

Finally, I allow myself to thrust hard, slamming into her a dozen or so more times. A growl tears through my lungs as I quake on top of her, my dick jerking and filling her with my cum.

Marco slides himself underneath me, next to her and I flop down on top of them. We kiss, the three of us, and then lie in a panting heap. Their legs hook over my hips, their cheeks nuzzle my chest. I run my fingers up and down their sides. We’re sweaty and stink of sex, but I don’t want to detach myself from them.

This is perfect, more perfect than anything I’ve experienced in my life.

The thought blooms in my mind like a flower. Too precious to be spoken about yet. Would it be possible for Marco and me to have a future with Sefi? I will talk to him about it tomorrow. The soft sound of his snores tell me that he has already fallen asleep.Chapter Twenty-FourMarcoWhere the fuck is Giorgio? Why isn’t he picking up his fucking phone? I’ve been trying to get hold of him for the past hour. Sefi hasn’t been answering my calls. At first, I thought she must still be sleeping. But it’s mid-afternoon now. She’s probably forgotten to charge her telefonino, but, even so, I’m worried. I want him to go and see if she’s okay.

Finally, he picks up and I bark out my request. “How soon before you can get there?”

“Don’t worry, signore. I’m on my way back to the palazzo with a grocery order your mother asked me to collect for her. I can check on the signorina in about thirty minutes.”

I thank him and disconnect the call. I’m overreacting, I hope…

There’s a pile of paperwork on my desk, and I try to distract myself, try to focus on profit forecasts and tax projections. But I have a hard time sitting still. I get to my feet and pace the floor, checking my watch again and again.

The longest thirty minutes of my life.

My phone buzzes.


His rapid breaths come down the line. “The signorina is not answering your doorbell,” he blurts out.

Fucking fuck.

“Are my parents there?” My voice is shrill in my ears.

“Si, signore. They are back from the hospital. I just delivered their groceries.”

“Please, go get the spare key from my mother. I’ll call her and explain…”

I disconnect from Giorgio and connect with my mother. She sounds surprised to hear from me at this time of the day. I’d do anything not to worry her— she has enough stress in her life— but I can’t avoid it. I quickly tell her my concerns.

“I can’t leave your father on his own, dear. I’ll give the key to Giorgio. Maybe Sefi was in the shower and didn’t hear the doorbell?”

I press one hand to my forehead. Fear has made my skin cold. “Please ask Giorgio to call me as soon as he’s searched the apartment.”

“Will do. Try not to worry, son,” she says before disconnecting.

I wish to God we’d found a live-in nurse for Papà. We’ve interviewed so many applicants I’ve lost count. He hasn’t liked any of them, and it’s still an ongoing process. I drag my palms down the legs of my dress pants. There’s an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. Please, God, let Sefi be there. I would so much prefer it be my mother who goes to check on her. Giorgio has only worked for my family for the past year. He’s an ex-fisherman from Pallestrina, an island lying south west of the Venice lido, and he has the social skills of a sardine.

My telefonino buzzes. Giorgio again. “I’m sorry, but I can’t find the signorina…”

My heart sinks.

“Are you sure she isn’t there?”

“One hundred percent.”

I grip the phone, my knuckles turning white. “I’ll get the helicopter to take me to the airport asap. Meet me with the boat.”

There’s an empty feeling in my chest.

I inhale a deep breath and place a call to Alessio.Chapter Twenty-FiveSefi – earlierI sleep late, only waking briefly to kiss Marco and Alessio before they leave for work. The comforter is warm and cozy and I’m tired after last night’s activities, so I drift off again. Eventually, I blink my eyes open to bright sunshine coming through a gap in the drapes. Thoughts whirl through my mind about the masquerade ball. It was even better than eating a box of chocolate liqueurs in one go. Sensory overload didn’t even begin to describe it, and also what happened with my filthies when we got home… the way they focused on me and gave me so much pleasure.