Page 30 of Her Filthy Italians

I try to get the check, but Marco insists on paying. We link arms and head for Saint Mark’s Square. He had the foresight to book skip-the-line tickets for the Doge’s Palace. The visit to the iconic building takes us about three hours. My senses reel from viewing the vast council chambers and stunningly decorated residential apartments. The rulers of the former Venetian Republic sure lived in style…

We grab take-out marinara pizzas on our way back to Palazzo Lorrer. Thank God for all the walking or the carb overload today would almost certainly contribute to expanding my waistline. I snicker to myself. Camila would not approve.

Marco puts the pizzas in the oven back at the apartment while I go to take a quick shower. Should I call my sister? Nah, I wouldn’t be able to keep my fear at yesterday’s incident from her and she’d freak out. I’ll tell her tomorrow, when I’ve gotten it more in perspective. I’ll discuss practicalities with Marco during our meal. I didn’t want to bring it up while we were having such a nice time earlier, but tomorrow I’ll be going back to work. I should also return to my place… I can’t live here for the next three months.

I put on a pair of leggings and a sweater, tie my hair up in a pony, and apply lip gloss and mascara.

Marco has freshened up and changed as well, I notice as I enter the kitchen. Low slung jeans hug his hips and his tight sweatshirt has ridden up to reveal the V of his abs and his dark brown treasure trail.

I lick my lips. He’s so goddamn gorgeous. There’s an ache in the pit of my stomach, though, and it occurs to me that I’m missing Alessio. They come as a pair, Marco said, and he was freaking right. Weirdly, I only want to make out when the two of them are together.

Marco opens the fridge and extracts a bottle of Prosecco. “Would you like a glass, tesoro?”

“Sure.” I smile. “Thanks.”

He pops the cork and pours the sparkling wine into two flutes. He hands me a glass and clinks his with mine. “Cheers.”

We carry our plates and glasses through to the living room and sit on the sofa. Soft music is playing on the sound system and it would all be so perfect if it weren’t for the elephant in the room.

Time to address it.

“It’s really sweet of you to look after me like this, Marco. But I can’t stay here for the next three months…”

“Why not?” His tone is curt, like I’ve offended him.

“I’ve paid the rental for a place that I love.”

“Don’t you love it here?” He draws his brows together.

I lift my hand and push the hair back from his forehead. “I do. But it’s yours and Alessio’s place. Not mine.”

“The apartment you rented isn’t your permanent home, tesoro.” He leans into my hand. “And it isn’t safe.”

I’m losing this argument, so I affront the next one. “I need to work. The experience I’ll gain at the Guberman will help me in my future career.”

He takes my hand and kisses my wrist. “You’ll be safe at the Guberman. Their security is second to none on account of global terrorism threats. All Alessio and I need to do is walk you there and back every day.”

“Wow, you’ve thought this through…”

He releases my hand. “You know it makes sense.”

I nod. All visitors to the museum go through a security check as if they were boarding an airplane. They leave their bags in lockers and there are guards positioned throughout the building.

“How about if I wanna hang out with the other interns?” I set my jaw.

His face tightens. “Not a good idea.”

“So, I’ll be like… grounded?”

I can’t believe this is happening to me.

“It’s for your own safety, tesoro.”

I fall silent… I’m at a loss for words.

Marco finishes his pizza and I do likewise.

Then, without warning, the door to the apartment clicks open.

“Ciao. I’m home,” a voice calls out.

Alessio’s voice.

Holy shit.

We both stare at him, then jump to our feet.

“I managed to reschedule my meetings.” He comes toward us. “Didn’t know if I’d get on the afternoon flight until the last minute, which is why I didn’t call.”

He holds out his arms to Marco, and the two of them hug.

I stand at the side of them, shuffling my feet.

“Come here, bambina.” Alessio spreads his hands apart. “I was so worried about you.”

I step forward, and then the three of us are kissing and hugging. “I fucking love you, Alessio.” Marco plants a big wet kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for coming back early. Grazie. Grazie. Grazie.”

“It’s not that I didn’t trust you to look after Sefi.” Alessio’s expression turns serious. “But I don’t trust that shithead Framassi.”

We sit on the sofa and Marco fills Alessio in on what he discussed with me just now.