Page 26 of Her Filthy Italians

Viviana, ever the epitome of politeness, offers her hand. “Pleased to meet you, Serafina.” A warm smile brushes her lips.

Sefi squeezes her fingers. “Please, call me Sefi,” she beams. “It’s great to meet you too.”

“Why don’t you all come in for a cup of tea?” Viviana asks, turning to unlock the door.

Viviana is also known as the countess due to her being married to Count Lorrer. When she gives an invitation, be it to dinner or simply to take tea, no one would ever dream of refusing… least of all me and certainly not her son.

“I’d love a cup of tea,” Sefi says, and I release the breath I hadn’t realized I’ve been holding.

We troop into Marco’s parents’ elegant living room. Francesco is sitting in a wheelchair by the window, staring down at the canal. Marco takes Sefi’s hand and leads her across the room to introduce her to his father. I follow them, my feet dragging. Seeing Marco’s dad in his current state always pains me.

Stefi shakes the hand he struggles to hold out to her. “It’s an honor to meet you, sir.”

And, fuck me, Francesco’s dull gray eyes come to life and twinkle. He’s struggling to respond verbally, his mouth moving but no words coming out, though.

Sefi stands next to him at the window and admires the view. “It’s like a movie set.” She shifts her weight from one foot to the other. “So beautiful.”

“Y… y… yes,” Francesco manages to say. “B… b… bella.”

“Bravo, Papà.” Marco’s voice is filled with pride. “We’re having a cup of tea. Would you like one too?”

His father nods, slowly. Marco pushes the wheelchair into the center of the room. I leave them to it, and I go to help Viviana with the tea.

“What a delightful young woman,” she exclaims when I step into the kitchen. “Is Sefi American?”

I nod. “From California. She’s an intern at the Guberman.” I take the tray laden with teacups from the counter.

No doubt Viviana will give her the third degree while we are all sitting sipping tea. I never drank the stuff before I met Marco—I’m strictly a coffee addict— but it’s something he enjoys drinking with his parents, and I drink it with them so as not to appear rude. He fits in with my people so I make the effort to fit in with his.

“Alessio tells me you are an intern at the Guberman,” Viviana comes right out with it while pouring tea from a silver pot into the porcelain cups I set down on the coffee table a minute earlier.

“I start there tomorrow,” Sefi announces. “And I can’t wait.” She stares at the wall opposite, at the still life painting of bottles and vases above the fireplace. “I hope you don’t think I’m being nosey, but isn’t that a Morandi?”

“It is.” Viviana passes a cup of tea to Sefi. “I’m impressed you are familiar with his work.”

“He was one of the 20th Century Italian artists I studied for my Master’s.”

After adding a slice of lemon to my tea, I sit back and watch the two women while they chat. Marco is helping his dad drink from an adult sippy cup, a contented expression on his face. He likes it that Sefi has met his parents, it occurs to me. And things couldn’t be cozier right now. I almost choke on my tea when a picture comes into my mind of what we were doing, the three of us, only a short while ago.

“How did you meet Marco and Alessio?” Viviana tilts her head toward Sefi.

Sefi meets her gaze and describes how Marco gave her a ride to Zattere from the airport. She shoots me a quick look and I send her the message with my eyes not to say anything about her visit to the Commissariato. “Marco and Alessio have been so sweet showing me around,” she adds.

“That’s nice…” Viviana’s expression turns thoughtful.

What is she thinking?

She would never in a million years conclude her son and I are tag teaming Sefi, though. The countess has accepted Marco and me as a couple, but I think she’d be shocked by a poly relationship…

I glance at Francesco. His gray eyes twinkle again and I wonder what’s going through his head.

Sefi finishes her tea and declines another cup. “I’m sorry to be a party pooper, but I should be getting back to my place.” She smiles apologetically.

I take that as a cue to get to my feet and Marco does likewise. “We’re walking Sefi home,” he explains.

“Glad to hear it.” Viviana aims kisses at our cheeks.

“I’ll stop by tomorrow.” Marco bends and kisses Francesco on the forehead.

“Your parents are lovely, Marco,” Sefi says as we head down the stairs to the back exit.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to mention that my parents are pretty cool too, but I stop myself in time.