Oh, God, don’t get a drink from the mini bar, Pierce. Jake no longer had them emptied before we checked in.
I half opened my eyes and relief washed through me when, in the semi-darkness, I made out he was heading for a chair in the corner instead. He picked up his guitar, but he didn’t play it. Just sat there on his own, staring into space.
Without hesitating, I swung my legs from the bed and went to him. He put down his instrument, opened his arms, and I settled onto his lap. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, sweetheart.” He held me tightly.
“I’ll always be with you.” I lifted my lips to his.
Our kiss was intense, like we could kiss away all the bad things that had happened to us. Pierce had been blocking out his past by resorting to drugs and alcohol. Could my phobia be because there was something in my past that I’d blocked? My breath caught in my throat. We were two broken people who’d found each other. And we’d fix each other, I hoped.Chapter 22PierceOur 747 was descending toward Tokyo International Airport. I fastened my seatbelt and held Hayley’s hand. Had I done the right thing fessing up to her about Ramos? I shifted my bum in my chair. Ever since Dad’s call I’d been trying to convince myself not to worry about Danilo. After all, ten years had gone by from the time when he’d tried to kill me and had knifed Mr. Phillips instead. But I knew Ramos. I knew him well. He always sought revenge.
I stared out the window at the mountain of white clouds, remembering the first time I’d met him. It was in the high school canteen, not long after he’d moved to London from the Philippines. He’d barged his way in front of me in the line to pick up a tray, before introducing himself and suggesting we hang out after class. He’d exuded danger, and it drew me to him like a magnet. I was fifteen at the time and easily influenced.
We’d gone ’round to his empty flat—his parents worked long hours in the hospital—and we’d smoked dope, drunk rum and coke, and talked about pussy. His apartment was like a haven in comparison with mine. My older sister, Bethany, had gotten pregnant and had given birth to twins. The father hadn’t wanted to know, and big sis was still on the waiting list for a council flat of her own, which was why she and the babies lived with Mum, Dad, and me. Home was chaotic and Ramos offered an escape valve.
Over the next year, I was sucked in by the thrill of breaking into the homes of the wealthy while they were out at work, by the excitement of picking up a stash of cocaine from one place and delivering it to another, and also by the fact that I was Ramos’ sidekick in the gang he had formed. He inspired me with loyalty, a loyalty I’d been relieved to transfer to Mr. Phillips when I’d switched my addiction to street crime to a different addiction…music. Playing the guitar and drums took over my life and saved me.
The jumbo jet juddered as its wheels touched the ground, jolting me back to the here and now. Two concerts in Tokyo, one in Seoul, and then two in Manila before the tour ended. I couldn’t wait to get back to California. Yeah, I’d have to work there…put in hours at the record company and lay down tracks for ChiMera’s next album, but there was no way it would be as knackering as my life on the road. I drew my eyebrows together. LA would be a lot safer as well. Ramos would never be able to enter the US without a visa, and he stood zero chances of getting one of those…
Hayley and I grabbed our hand luggage and made our way off the plane with the others. Buses were waiting to take us to the Business Aviation Terminal. After going through immigration, we headed toward the ubiquitous fleet of SUVs and, about an hour later, we arrived at our downtown hotel.
Jake suggested an early night…there’d be a rehearsal and sound checks in the arena tomorrow morning. We took the elevator to the floor he’d booked for the two bands. I slipped the digital key card into its reader, and Hayley and I stepped inside. I stared around. It was like the majority of suites we’d stayed in…modern, impersonal. We were in Tokyo, but we could have been anywhere. Just another view of skyscrapers. Shame I wouldn’t be able to take her out to visit more authentic Japanese sights. Apart from the fact that we’d almost certainly be mobbed, I didn’t want to put her in any danger. My chest tightened. Did I seriously think Danilo would have managed to leave the UK and follow me to Japan? Would he even know I was a member of ChiMera? I didn’t want to risk it. Hayley and I would stay in our hotels both here, in Seoul and when we got to Manila…unless he was re-arrested. I clung to that slim hope like I was clutching at a lifeline.