Page 26 of Dirty Rocker

I hitched my carry-on bag up my shoulder and held Hayley’s hand as we climbed the steps to the front of the plane. Inside, the air-conditioned air was a welcome respite, and we made our way to a pair of recliner armchairs. Axel and Phoenix took the seats opposite, a table positioned between us and stacks of leg room. “Here we go again,” Axel chuckled.

“Yeah.” What else could I say? Fifteen concerts over the next six weeks. New Zealand. Australia. Singapore. Tokyo, Seoul and Manila. It would be stressful. And I wasn’t looking forward to our final destination. Danilo Ramos’ parents had emigrated to the UK from the Philippines to work in the National Health Service. Danilo had come under the influence of a street gang in Manila before leaving and, left to his own devices due to his parents’ long working hours, hadn’t taken long to start his own gang in London. I shifted in my chair. Now was not the time to think about all this. I threaded my fingers through Hayley’s and focused on the here and now.

Rhys and Zach had occupied the seats on the other side of the aisle from us, together with Jake and Camila. Vanilla Sky and all our roadies now boarded the plane. The Fasten Your Seatbelts sign flashed on, and our flight attendants started handing out the ubiquitous glasses of Champagne.

Hayley gave my fingers a squeeze. “We’ll just have orange juice,” she said.

“Yeah, us too,” Phoenix echoed.

Axel shot me a look. “Pussy whipped much?” he smirked, but I knew he wouldn’t have it any other way.

And neither would I.

The thought took me by surprise. I wondered about its implications as the 747’s engines roared into life, and we sat through the safety drill while the plane taxied toward the runway.

I leaned into Hayley and whispered in her ear. “I don’t need alcohol when I’m with you, sweetheart.” I kissed her soft cheek. “You’re all I need, and, as soon as we get off this plane, I’m gonna eat your sweet pussy.”

She blushed.

She was so fucking adorable.

“Enough with the dirty talk.” She swatted me in the chest.

I laughed, but I couldn’t wait to get her on her own. Couldn’t wait to tell her that I no longer wanted to be her fake boyfriend but her real one.

I lifted my OJ and caught her eye. “Cheers.”

We clinked glasses.

The 747 gathered momentum and then rose into the sky.Chapter 17HayleyThank God I’d googled the weather in New Zealand at this time of the year… it was a hell of a lot cooler than LA. I shrugged on a sweater as I stepped out of the Mercedes SUV, one of a fleet that had met us at Auckland Airport. We were staying in a luxury five-star hotel with views overlooking Waitemata Harbour. ChiMera were rock stars, not tourists, and they spent most of their time in their rooms when they weren’t rehearsing, doing sound checks or performing…hence the need for suites in accommodation with nice surroundings and good security.

I glanced around as I exited the Merc and my heartrate skittered. Metal barriers had been erected to block the sidewalk at either side of the hotel, where hundreds of screaming fans jostled each other. Some held up posters saying shit like ‘I wanna fuck you, Pierce.’ Joe and Mike closed ranks. Stoic grins plastered on their faces, the rock gods strode over to the barriers to pose for selfies and sign whatever was offered to them, including several pairs of tits. It was all an act, I knew it was, but I had to clench my teeth to suppress a grimace of jealousy. The paparazzi were there too, of course, but I hadn’t expected them to notice me. “Give us a pic with Pierce, Hayley,” a burly dude called out, and my heart sank. The rest of the posse joined in, calling for a picture. My muscles tensed and I spun on my heel and ran toward the hotel entrance.

In the lobby, strong arms grabbed me. Pierce’s. “I’ve got you, babe.” He held me close.

I gulped in a breath. “I wasn’t ready for that…”

“I should’ve warned you this would happen after that press release went out.”

Jake sauntered up and patted my arm. “Journos have requested an interview with you both tomorrow morning. Is that okay?”

At least he’d asked. “Yeah. Sure.” There was nothing else I could say. I’d allowed myself to be persuaded into posing as a rock star’s girlfriend. I couldn’t get out of it, I’d given my word, and, to be honest, I didn’t want to. I’d see this through to its conclusion, whatever that might be…

We checked in and took our digital key cards. Pierce looped his arm around me, and we made our way to the elevators. Axel and Phoenix approached and asked if we’d like to hang out with them later. My ‘boyfriend’ said he was knackered, which I guessed meant he was exhausted. I was missing being with him on our own, so I said I was tired too.