Page 20 of Dirty Rocker

I stiffened, decided to give voice to my concerns.

“The guys would be pissed if they knew we were sleeping together.” I kept my tone measured. “They wouldn’t believe it if we told them we hadn’t done anything. It’s like a conflict of interests…”

He rubbed at his chin, his gaze ping ponging around the room before it settled back on me. “I think we should come clean about it. I got mad with Axel when I found out he was seeing Phoenix behind our backs. I don’t wanna be a hypocrite.”

I gasped. “What do you propose telling them? That you’ve taken on the role of my sex therapist?!”

“You could be my fake girlfriend,” he blurted out. “We could tell them we’re dating. Then, after the tour, you can ditch me for being the scumbag you always knew I was.”

“Foxy.” I hardly ever called him Foxy, but the occasion warranted it. “You’re a total asshole.” I swatted his chest. “Stop messing with me.”

“Au contraire, my darling.” His smirk grew cockier. “I’m dead serious.” He took my hand. “I’d like us to tell the others as soon as they get back from dancing.”

“It’s a stupid idea,” I huffed.

He had the grace to look sheepish. “I thought it was a brilliant idea…”

“They’ll never believe that someone as famous as you would consider dating someone like me.”

“Jesus, love. Have you looked in the mirror? You. Are. Beautiful. And you’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever met. It would be an honor to date you.” The arm that he’d been resting on the couch behind me slipped down, and he wrapped it around my shoulder. “I like you. And I think you like me. We’re golden together. I’d never do anything to hurt you, by the way. You have my word.”

I stared at him. At this beautiful, broken man. Something told me he was drowning. Those secrets of his were dark and dangerous. And, if I wasn’t careful, I might find myself sinking along with him.Chapter 14PierceI dropped the bombshell as soon as my bandmates had gotten back to the table, keeping my arm around Hayley as part of the act.

Phoenix kissed us both on the cheek. “Congratulations!”

Axel clapped me on the back. “’Bout time, Foxy.”

“I hope you’ll still be Pierce’s minder, Hayley?” Jake had no qualms about asking her. “Just to clarify matters.”

“Of course.” She straightened her spine. “I have an agreement with you, and I’ll stick to it.”

“Perfect.” He rubbed his hands together. “Let’s see how things pan out, eh?”

What the fuck did he mean by that?

I stared at Rhys, at the scowl that had spread across his face. “How long has this been going on?”

“Yeah,” Zach chipped in. “What about our ‘no fraternization’ rule?”

I opened my mouth to speak, but Hayley got in before me. She rose to her full five foot nothing. “We only decided to start dating tonight. We told you because we wanted it out in the open.”

Her use of the word ‘we’ gave me a funny feeling in my stomach. Warm and fuzzy. Or maybe there was too much sugar in the mocktails I’d been drinking? Whatever. She’d fought our corner, despite her initial reluctance to accept my proposal….

“Okay, I get it,” Rhys conceded, backing down under Hayley’s fierce glare.

Nobody messes with Yankee Girl.

“Sorry for doubting your integrity, Hayley.” Zach’s smile was apologetic. “Good luck with this fucker.” He grasped me in a neck hold. “I hope you realize what an asshole he can be?”

“Oh, yeah, I think I’ve got his number,” she laughed.

“Whoa. Stop talking about me like I’m not here.” I took her hand. “As neither of us are drinking, I think we’ll call it a night.” I raked my gaze over the others. “That way you lot can get wasted without worrying about leading me into temptation.” I gave a wry laugh.

“We’ll head off too.” Axel helped Phoenix to her feet. “Have fun, everyone.” He included Liam, Ethan and Violet, her bandmates, in his goodbye wave. “See you all on the flight to Auckland day after tomorrow.”

Joe drove Hayley and me back up to the Hills while Mike chauffeured Axel and Phoenix. Bloody rock star of us to have separate cars. We lived practically next door to each other and could have shared. But I appreciated being alone with my girl…even if this ‘thing’ we had going wasn’t for real.

“Come here.” I reached for her across the back seat. “You owe me a kiss.”

“Not until you’ve had a shower,” she squirmed from my hold. “You stink.”

I pulled a mock offended face. “I thought most chicks liked making out with a dirty rocker.”

“Not this one, buddy…”

“Ha. I thought our so-called dating went down well with the band. I mean, I expected Axel would be okay about it, but the others not so much.” I shot her a glance.

“I’m still kinda on the fence,” she stuttered out a breath. “You promise you won’t hurt me?”