Page 53 of Dirty Rocker

Chapter 27Hayley – Sixteen Years AgoLogan and Tyler are being mean. They won’t let me play on the tire swing in the back yard with them. They say I’m too little, but I’m not. I’m eight, only a year younger than them. My cousins are twins and they look so alike I’m never sure which one is which. They both have red hair and freckles on their noses like me. Auntie Lisa is Dad’s sister, and her hair is brown. So is Dad’s. He says we got our carrot tops from his mom. I always tell him I’m not a carrot top— I hate carrots, push them to the side of the plate every time we have them for supper—and he laughs and ruffles my bangs, calling me his ginger girl…which is even worse, I think.

I go into the house and look for my auntie, hoping she’s there. She’ll give me a brownie and a glass of milk. “Auntie, where are you?”

“She’s had to go run some errands.” Uncle Earl calls out from his armchair in the living room. “Come here, cookie. Let me give you a kiss. I got a packet of Gummi Bears for ya if you’re a good girl for me.”

My heart does somersaults in my chest. Being a good girl for Uncle Earl means letting him kiss me and rub himself against me. He says it’s our secret and, if I tell anyone, I’ll get into big trouble. It’s been going on a couple months, and happens whenever Auntie has to run errands, leaving him to look after us kids. I feel dirty afterward, and I’m glad most of the time Auntie takes care of us and Uncle Earl is out at work.

I shake my head and turn to escape, but he grabs me and pulls me onto his lap. I whimper and tremble, scared he’ll hurt me if I don’t do as he says. I’ve heard him beating Logan and Tyler when they’re naughty. The loud crack of the strap on the back of their knees. My chest aches so much I can’t breathe.

Uncle kisses me, pushing his slobbery tongue into my mouth and then he rubs himself against me, and there’s a hard thing between his legs that he pokes into my tummy. He makes funny noises…grunting noises that make me feel sick. I squirm and try to escape. “Be good for me,” he groans, rocking himself backward and forward in the chair.

My throat burns and I open my mouth to scream. This is much worse than anything he’s done to me before. He puts his hand over my lips and I start to struggle, tears streaming down my face.

“You little cock tease,” he mutters, picking me up like I’m a sack of potatoes. He keeps one hand clamped over my mouth and the other around my backside as he carries me up to his bedroom. I’m kicking and struggling, but he’s too strong.

He slams the door shut and locks it before dropping me on the bed. I prepare to run but he lies on top of me. I can’t swallow the saliva gathering in my mouth, and I’m frozen with a fear I can’t explain. What’s happening?

“Cookie,” he croaks, leaning on one elbow. I HATE being called cookie. I HATE HIM!!! “Forgive me for what I’m about to do,” he says calmly. “It’s not me. It’s the Devil inside me…” He releases his hand from my mouth and strokes my hair. “You’re so pretty I can’t help it.”

I struggle again, but he kicks my legs apart, kneels between them and unzips his pants. “Look at how big I am for you….”

My heart races as I stare at his thing. I’ve seen Logan’s and Tyler’s when Auntie has put us in the bath the three of us together, but Uncle’s is huge and angry looking. I squeeze my eyes shut it’s so horrible.

Uncle pulls down my panties. Why is he doing that? Something is pushing between my legs, at the place where my pee comes out. It hurts. It hurts so bad I let out the loudest scream.

There’s a pounding at the door, and I can hear Auntie shouting. “Earl, what the hell is going on in there?”

I open my eyes and look down. See Uncle’s thing. He’s holding it in his hand and liquid is leaking from the tip. His face is contorted.

My stomach heaves and I throw up. I make a retching noise. My puke spurts up and splatters all over him.

Everything goes blank. I don’t know why. All I know is I never want to think about what just happened ever again.Phoenix held my braid back from my face as I puked up my guts in the ladies’ restroom. “Where’s Pierce?” I managed to say between retching.

“He’s waiting outside, honey. Much as he wanted to, I wouldn’t let him come in here.”