She laughed and swatted my chest. “That’s not the point. I told you I wouldn’t let you fuck me, and I meant it.”
I locked her wrist in my palm and brought it to my lips, breathing hard against it. “Kissing isn’t fucking. We’re mates, aren’t we? We can have fun sharing our saliva…”
She swatted my chest again. “Urgh. That’s disgusting.”
Keep it lighthearted, Foxy, I told myself. At least for now. The thought came unbidden into my mind and it occurred to me that I would fuck her, sooner or later. And I held onto that thought as we replaced our helmets, remounted our bikes, and I took the lead toward the edge of the canyon and then home.Chapter 8HayleyA warm breeze lifted the fronds of the palm trees by the decking, and the sky above glowed darkly orange. Pierce had brought an acoustic guitar out with us and was noodling while we sat sipping iced lemon tea in the cool of night. We were alone…Joe had gone up to his room, but Pierce and I, tired from our ride to the canyon, had taken a nap by the pool after lunch. We’d both declared we weren’t sleepy yet.
I played with my braid and I thought about that kiss earlier. I shouldn’t have kissed Pierce back, but I’d been lost in the moment. He’d been nonchalant about it, like it had meant nothing, which was to be expected, I supposed. My chest squeezed. His kiss had been expert—he’d definitely known what he was doing—and I’d melted like a marshmallow. Problem was, I couldn’t stop myself from longing for him to kiss me again, which was totally stupid and could only lead to disaster. Pierce Fox wasn’t boyfriend material…he wasn’t the white picket fence type. He’d take my heart and rip it into little pieces if I threw it at him. Which I wouldn’t, I reminded myself. He was a manwhore, who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. He’d want to fuck me and, when he discovered I was unfuckable, he’d move on to the next available target.
I leaned away from him, staring at his long fingers while he strummed the band’s big hit, Harbor in the Storm. It was weird to see him without the habitual drumsticks in his hands. Since Phoenix had become the lead singer of Vanilla Sky, Pierce, Rhys and Zach had taken over singing backup for ChiMera. But this was the first time I’d heard Pierce sing on his own, and his baritone voice sent a thrill through me.
“You’re good,” I said, and I meant it. “Did you always wanna be a rock star?”
“Yeah.” He drew his brows together. “Did you always wanna be a stylist?”
“I’m a make up artist first and foremost. That’s what I learned at beauty school. Hair styling and dressing were skills I picked up along the way.”
I blew out a sigh. Pierce had switched tables on me, got me to talk about myself. Why wouldn’t he share anything about himself? He was like a clam, slamming shut whenever I tried to get him to open up.
He launched into a riff I didn’t recognize. “Is that one of Axel’s new pieces?”
“Nah, I wrote this. Do you like it?”
It was different than ChiMera’s usual upbeat melodies. There was a rawness to it that tugged at my emotions. “I like it a lot.”
“Wanna hear the lyrics?” He gave me an uncertain glance. “They’re still a little rough…” Without waiting for an answer, he started to sing,I’m just biding my time
Until shit gets better
Farther down the line
I’ll find a savior.
The road ahead is winding
And the wind is in my face
I so wanna run
But I don’t wanna join the race.
And if you’re here to judge me
Please don’t think me bad
I made the choices freely
From the first to the middle to the last.
The road ahead is winding
And the wind is in my face
I so wanna run
But I don’t wanna join the race.“Wow.” I enthused. “Have you played it to the band yet?”
“Nope. Not going to either. It’s not for ChiMera but for me.” His smirk made my belly flutter. “And now it’s for you too.”
“Well, I’m really honored.” My voice choked. The poignancy of his words and music had affected me deeply. “I think you should absolutely show it to the others. You’re good.”
“I’m happy being their drummer.” His inky blue eyes darkened. “You know something? The drummer is always the easiest member of a band to replace.”
I shook my head. An image of Pierce on his podium, dark locks flowing, bare chested and smashing his sticks down on the skins, came into my mind. “Not you, Limey. Your drumming is genius. You’re irreplaceable.”
“Sweet of you to say so.” He grinned ruefully. “You’re not a bad makeup artist yourself.” His grin became cockier. “Just had a great idea. I’m getting cabin fever stuck here. Let’s go out tomorrow. You can disguise me. Make me look completely different.”