Except, it was Axel who drew my attention… as ever. He was beautiful and god-like and I loved him so much. His soul was as beautiful as his body… he would never intentionally hurt me. But the fact that he’d done so unintentionally still festered inside me like an open wound.
“It’s a take,” Jake barked after the band had gotten to the end of the song. “Just Axel and Phoenix need to stay. The rest of you can call it a day.”
It was a privilege to listen to Axel singing the song I’d first heard in my Paris hotel room. His deep baritone voice sent a quiver through me.
Baby, all the barriers I put between us
Will fall if you just say the word.
I know I’m not worthy.
I’m so fucking unworthy,
I want to be worthy.
I want you to love me.The words spoke to my heart. Had he known then that he might fall off the wagon? He’d been adamant that he wouldn’t…
“Your turn, Phoenix,” Jake smiled as Axel left the booth. “Nice and soft, now. But you don’t need me to tell you that… you’re a pro.”
I did as he’d asked, harmonizing with Axel’s voice in perfect synchronization. At the end of the track, Jake said it was a take and we could both go home.
I glanced around for Axel… I couldn’t see him anywhere. He’d watched me while I was singing, I’d felt his hot eyes on me and my skin had burned under his gaze.
I picked up my shoulder bag and began to make my way out of the room.
Out of the blue, Jake called me back.
“I’ve been listening to your take again, Phoenix,” he said. “Remember Vanilla Sky?”
I nodded.
Where was this going?
“We want to sign them to the label and send them off on a tour of the States. But they’ve just informed me Thea has quit the band. She wants to get married and start a family.”
“Yeah, she showed me her engagement ring at Wembley.” I folded my arms across my chest.
“So.” Jake unleashed a slow smile. “You have a unique voice. Would you be interested in trying out with them to be their lead singer?” He paused. “I’m not promising anything. It will be entirely up to them…”
“Oh, wow! Yes. Thank you. I would love to.” Then I remembered my mom and my heart sank. “Can I think about it first?”
“Don’t think about it too long,” Jake grunted. “Or they’ll have found someone else.”
I walked out of the studio into the corridor, my head down, my thoughts in a whirl. I wasn’t looking where I was going and slammed straight into a rock-hard male body blocking my way.
“Axel,” I gasped, stepping back.
“Firebird, we need to talk.” He raked his eyes over my face. “Come have dinner with me.”
“Now?” I stuttered.
“Yes. Now.”
I couldn’t refuse him.
He’s right. We do need to talk.
“Okay,” I said.
Without saying a word, he grabbed my hand and practically pulled me out of the building and into his waiting car.27So much had changed since the last time I’d been here, I thought to myself as Mike rolled the Audi SUV to a stop outside Axel’s front door. Axel had held my hand the entire ride while he’d told me about the band’s vacation in the Bahamas. It hadn’t entirely been a vacation, he’d said… they’d jammed, working on layering the songs for the new album, and had also received anti-drugs counseling.
I didn’t say much in return, other than to give him a brief description of Mom’s stay in the hospital.
The real issues lay unspoken between us. No doubt we’d get to them when we were alone.
I stared out the window at the Manzanita trees and shifted in my seat.
Axel asked Mike to be on standby to take me to Pico Blvd later, and I placed a quick call to my parents, explaining I was having dinner with Axel and that I’d be home in due course. They were delighted, Mom especially, and I heard in her voice how much she wanted me to get back with him.
If only it was that simple.
After opening the door to his house, he disactivated the alarm and led me straight through to the kitchen. “What would you like to eat? I can grill us steaks, or we can order in…”
“Steak would be perfect, thanks,” I smiled, wiping my nervous hands down the legs of my jeans.
He smiled back at me, biting down on his lip, but beneath his sexy smile I caught a hint of nerves from him too. We were like two shy people on a first date…
I took a step back and propped myself against the kitchen counter. “Can I do anything to help?”
“I’ve got it covered, Firebird.” He switched on the grill and took a bowl full of salad from the fridge. “Would you like a glass of wine?” Without waiting for my answer, he popped a bottle of red and poured.