She gave me a worried look. “I hope it isn’t inappropriate for meeting your mom?”
I lifted her hand and kissed her wrist. “She’s going to love you.”
And I was right. As soon as Mum opened the door of the apartment to us, and Phoenix had called her ‘Ma’am’—a word Brits only use to speak to the Queen or a high-ranking woman in the police or the military—I could see my mother was smitten.
“Please, call me Sara,” she said, ushering us into the dining room. “It’s lovely to meet you, Phoenix.”
“It’s great to meet you too, Sara,” Firebird beamed.
Mum had made paella, her signature dish, and we indulged in chit-chat for most of the meal. Firebird talked a little about her background, how she’d grown up in Pasadena but now lived in the center of LA. She didn’t mention Cora’s illness, and neither did I. Instead, I said that Phoenix had inspired a whole heap of songs ChiMera would be recording, telling Mum they’d already listened to some demos we’d made and they were excited to get to work.
“That’s how we’ve managed to spend time together without arousing any suspicion,” I said.
“Now that you’ve brought it up.” Mum fixed me with her golden-brown eyes. “Ella told me she’d fallen in love with someone, but she wanted to keep it secret.” Mum chewed at her lip. “I’ve kept this to myself as I made a promise. I haven’t even told your father...”
“Was she with Jake?” I blurted out. I’d had my suspicions for a while… Ella never left his side when we went out together as a band.
“No.” Mum shook her head. “It wasn’t anyone in ChiMera. She was… she was…” Mum placed her hands on the table. “Ella was in a same sex relationship.”
“Wow.” My jaw dropped. “Who with?”
“She wouldn’t tell me. Said it was complicated…”
“I bet it was fucking complicated,” I snarled. “Whoever it was must have known that Ella was a heroin junkie…”
“I’m going to tell your father,” Mum said, her voice shaking. “I promised Ella I wouldn’t say anything to anyone, but now I think it’s time.”
“What good will telling Dad do?”
“He blames you for not looking after her…”
I grimaced. “I was too up my own ass. I should have noticed what was going on.”
Phoenix had been quiet throughout Mum’s and my exchange. But now she said. “You were touring in Canada and the US before Ella passed. Either she was in a long-distance relationship or she was seeing someone who was touring with you…”
“Fuck.” I brought my fist down on the table. “Who the fuck could it have been?”
“Language, Axel,” Mum said, like I was still a child. “I’m still going to tell your father. It breaks my heart that you two are estranged.” Then, without warning, she let out a sob. Tears ran down her face and her shoulders started shaking. “I can’t bear it that my little girl died like that,” she wailed. “We owe it to her to find out the truth.”
Phoenix and I simultaneously leapt to our feet and went to comfort her, placing our arms around her and making soothing sounds. “I’ll do everything I can to get to the bottom of it,” I promised.
“Me too,” Phoenix added.
“And I’ll talk to the guys,” I said. “Tell them what you’ve just revealed, Mum. I wish you’d done it sooner, though.”
“You were in rehab then touring. And I wanted to respect Ella’s wishes. I’ve broken her confidence,” Mum said quietly. “But hopefully it will be for the good.”
I bent and kissed the top of Mum’s head, inhaling the familiar scent of her floral perfume. “Will you be okay here on your own? I mean, Phoenix and I should be heading back to the hotel. Tomorrow will be a long day.”
“I’ll be fine.” Mum got to her feet and hugged me. “I wish you’d move back to England, but I realize that isn’t an option.” She stood on tiptoes and pecked me on the cheek. “Really looking forward to your concert, son. I’m so proud of you… And your father is too.”
“I hope so,” I breathed out a sigh.
“I know so,” she said before whispering in my ear, “I like Phoenix. She’s a keeper.”
“She sure is,” I whispered back.
“Now, off you go, the two of you. Rest well so you’ll be on top form in Wembley.”
“Did Jake send you backstage passes?” I remembered to ask.
“Weeks ago,” she smiled. “We’ll be there.”
I hugged her and she hugged us both before seeing us to the door.
Our driver was waiting in the basement carpark. “Where to now, sir?” he asked.
“Back to the Langham, but please drive through Chelsea then along the Embankment so my friend can see a few more landmarks.”
I hadn’t said ‘girlfriend’… I didn’t know this guy from Adam, and I didn’t know if he would be discreet. The tabloid press would have a field day if they found out Phoenix and I were together before we’d gone public.