Page 20 of Rock Star

Instead she was on the floor.

I stared at the needle piercing her foot, the blood staining her white skin.

With a cry of anguish, I knelt beside her. “Why did you to this, sweetheart?”

She blinked her eyes once before she lost consciousness. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911, then tried to resuscitate her.

In my dream, I succeeded. I performed CPR and she gasped out a breath. The EMTs arrived and took her to the hospital, telling me I’d done good and there was every chance she would survive.

All a fantasy, a wish that would never be fulfilled.

A cry escaped my throat as I shifted in the warm bed next to Phoenix, my heart breaking as my mind replayed what had actually happened that night.

How the guys had come running when they’d heard the ambulance sirens.

How Jacob had peeled me off Ella’s inert body so the medics could attend to her.

How I’d tried to fight him off as I’d roared my pain.

“Axel, are you okay?” I sensed Firebird rocking my shoulder. “You were moaning in your sleep.”

I cracked my eyes open. Dawn light came through the open drapes, and I discerned the worry in her expression. I reached for her hand, held it tight. “Just a recurring dream that I’d managed to save Ella,” I choked out.

It was Phoenix’s turn to gather me to her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my chest. “I’m so sorry,” she said, her voice muffled. “Do you want to talk about it?”

For the first time since therapy at the rehab center, I told someone about what had gone down that night.

She listened without interrupting, making soothing sounds and stroking my sides. After I’d finished the sorry tale, she said, “Did you ever find out who Ella was seeing?”

“No.” I let out a growl. “Motherfucker didn’t have the guts to come see me and offer his condolences.”

“That sucks,” she sighed.


I pulled her against me—it happened so naturally—and she lifted her head.

Emotion uncoiled inside me as she surrendered her lips to mine. She held onto my shoulders and rocked against me, opening her mouth so our tongues could tangle together.


The kiss turned needy as we moaned and nibbled and sucked. She let go of my shoulders and threaded her fingers into my hair. She smelled of soap and citrus shampoo.

I deepened the kiss, piercing her mouth with my tongue.

We came up for air and stared at each other. Her eyes were hooded with lust, so I moved in for another kiss, even more deep and hungry.

I squeezed her ass with one hand while brushing her neck with the other.

Flames leaped between us and I pulled her into me.

I’d promised not to fuck her until she begged me for it, and it didn’t look like that would happen anytime soon.

She’s staying resolutely silent on the subject, goddammit.

Patience wasn’t one of my virtues, but Firebird was worth waiting for. I’d find a way to work around the rules, make sure no one found out, but first I’d need to get her on my side.

Which wouldn’t be easy.

“God, you taste good,” I said, breaking off the kiss.

Her smile went straight to my dick. “I was worried I had morning breath.”

I took her bottom lip between my teeth and kissed her swollen mouth again. “You’re addictive…”

Wrong words… she wriggled from my hold.

Disappointment welled up within me. With her I’d felt a connection… she wasn’t like the women I always hit on, who wanted me because I was a rock star and who knew I’d give them a hard, dirty fuck.

“You’re a really good kisser,” she said, blushing.

“I’m really good at a lot of things,” I couldn’t resist saying.

“I know,” she smirked. “When did you decide that music was your life?”

“I didn’t decide, Firebird. It was always a part of me.”

I drew her back into my arms, and she snuggled into my pecs. “It’s always been a part of me too.” She leaned back and fixed me in her gaze. “I’m stoked to be your backup singer. This opportunity means the world to me, and I don’t wanna fuck it up.”

“I get where you’re coming from.” I kissed the tip of her nose. “As I said before, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”

Even if it gives me blue balls.

I was so hard right now; she must have felt me against her softness. She wasn’t a cock tease—she hadn’t instigated our making out—so I’d just have to see to myself.

“What time is it?” I asked.

She reached for her phone on the nightstand. “Six am.”

“Think I’d better go to my room… I’ll slip out before anyone sees me and jumps to the wrong conclusion.”

Then rub one off.

“Thanks for keeping me company in the storm.” She placed both hands on my cheeks and kissed me quickly on the mouth. “I can’t wait for the concert tonight.”