“My sister and I aren’t very close,” Casey mumbled with a grin.

“Like I said, we need to get moving.” I tugged on Casey’s hand to lead her down the sidewalk toward my Jeep.

“What about—”

I didn’t know what bullshit her mom was about to say, but I knew I didn’t want to hear it. Hustling Casey over to the Jeep, I called out, “Don’t worry about her car. I’ll send someone over for it later.”

“Where are we going?” she asked as I pulled away from the curb.

“My place. I need to give you a key and the security codes in case anything like this ever happens again.” I wanted my home to be her haven since this place definitely wasn’t.12CaseyWhen we pulled into Adrian’s garage about twenty minutes later, I was still blown away by how he had handled my mom and sister. “Seriously, did you see the look on their faces? I don’t think I’ve ever seen them put in their place quite like that before.”

He held my hand as we walked inside the house. “Then it’s about damn time someone played on their insecurities when it comes to you.”

I shook my head. “You’ve got it all wrong.”

“Nope. You just don’t see it as clearly as I do because they’ve spent years filling your head with garbage,” he disagreed as he led me through the kitchen, after pausing to put the box of chocolates he’d bought me on the counter.

I couldn’t disagree with the garbage part, but I still didn’t understand why he thought they were insecure. “What is it that you think I’m missing?”

“Let me show you.”

I followed him into the master bathroom attached to his bedroom. “Where’s Duke?” I asked when I realized why it was so quiet.

“I wasn’t sure how long I would be at your parents, so I asked Jen to pick him up and take him to the park.” Turning me around to face the mirror, he wrapped his arms around my body and met my eyes in our reflection. “It’s possible that your mom and sister could’ve been half as gorgeous as you if they hadn’t fucked up by changing every single damn thing about their looks. But that still wouldn’t have made them as smart or kind as you, and they both know it.”

“I don’t think either of them cares about being nice or smart.” If they did, they’d never shown it to me.

He pulled my hair out of the elastic band holding it up and twisted a lock around his finger. “That doesn’t mean they don’t see both qualities in you and resent you for it.”

“Maybe,” I conceded. “But they definitely don’t think I’m prettier than they are.”

“Look in the mirror, sweetheart. See what I do every time I look at you.” He wrapped my hair in his fist. “Your dark hair makes those blue eyes of yours even more startling.” He lifted his other hand and brushed his thumb over my bottom lip. “These plump lips never fail to put dirty thoughts into my head.” Sliding his palm down my neck, he cupped one of my breasts. “And we can’t skip over your perfect tits.” He ground his hips against me. “Or your sweet ass.”

His eyes darkened with desire as I stared at our reflection in the mirror. There was no denying Adrian was incredibly handsome, and seeing us together like this, I realized we seemed to fit together. I’d felt it ever since we met, but I hadn’t really stopped to think what that meant. I’d always let my mom’s and sister’s comments color how I saw myself, but Adrian was opening my eyes to the fact that it might’ve just been their insecurities talking all along. “We look good together.”

“We do,” Adrian agreed, pressing his hard length into my butt cheeks. “We feel damn good together, too.”

“Yeah, we really do.” I twisted my head to look up at him, my cheeks filling with heat as I remembered all the orgasms he’d given me. “But maybe I need a reminder.”

“I like how you think.” He pulled my glasses off and set them on the counter before sweeping me up in his arms to carry me to the bed. “I’m more than up for the challenge of demonstrating how fucking beautiful you are as many times as you need me to.”

My pussy was still a little sore from our activities last night, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to feel him move inside me again. “I could use more action and less talk, handsome.”

“I’ll show you action,” he promised as he yanked my shirt over my head and tugged my pants down my legs. While I took off my bra and panties, he made quick work of his clothes. Pressing me down onto my back, he kneeled between my legs. Then he sank a finger deep inside me, and it felt so good. A low moan bubbled up my throat as I tilted my hips to give him better access.