Since Gage wasn’t home from his meetings yet, I poured myself a glass of cherry Kool-Aid, picked up the new Cosmo that I’d bought at the drugstore earlier, and headed outside. Taking a seat on the outdoor couch, I perched my feet on the table in front of me and opened up my magazine. I was just starting to read about the latest must-have face cream when I heard the door to the patio open. Turning, I smiled at Gage as he stepped outside. As he came closer, I realized he looked anxious about something.

“Did everything go okay with your meeting?” I asked, worried that maybe something had happened that he didn’t like.

He waved a hand dismissively as he sat on the couch next to me. “It was fine. Let’s talk about you.”

I furrowed my brow. “Okay?”

“Anything new or noteworthy you’d like to share?”

I grimaced. “Aside from the fact that the paparazzi down at the gate means the news about the restraining order got out faster than I’d have liked, no. How about you? You seem a little keyed up.”

He blew out a breath. “That’s not why they’re at the gate, beautiful.”

“Are you sure? Because they were definitely calling my name and there’s no other reason they’d be hanging around right now.”

“Don’t be so sure of that.”

Closing my magazine, I set it on the empty cushion on the other side of me. “Clearly you know something I don’t. What’s up?”

The way he studied me while I spoke made my heart flutter.

“You stopped at a drugstore this morning,” he said.

I wrinkled my brows. “And?”

“There are photos of you coming out of the store with a massive smile on your face holding a bag full of pregnancy tests. The way the sun hit the bag meant it was practically see-through. Twitter and Facebook are on fire right now with speculation that you’re pregnant.”

I gasped. “Oh shit. Dammit. I didn’t see any paps, and it’s not like the bag was clear. I’m so sorry, Gage. I never would’ve bought the tests if I thought anyone would take two plus two and make eight million.”

“Fuck the paparazzi,” he said dismissively. “Talk to me about the tests, beautiful. How late are you?”

My eyes widened as the pin dropped, and I realized what he was thinking. “No, no,” I assured him, waving my hands back and forth. “They weren’t for me. I’m neither late nor pregnant. The tests were for Allie. We’re good—you don’t need to panic.”

Something strange passed across his face as he let out a long breath. “I wasn’t panicked,” he said. “In fact, quite the opposite. I was excited.”

I think my heart stopped for a good three seconds. “You were?”

“Yeah, I really was. I had all these thoughts about you being pregnant and what our baby would be like and I wanted all of that.”

“Really?” I squeaked.

I was twenty-seven, which meant I’d had plenty of time to think about what I wanted in my life. One of the things I knew I wanted to experience was becoming a mother. Every time I’d thought about the future for Gage and me, I’d done my best to avoid thinking too much about the fact that children wouldn’t be a part of our lives.

“Yeah. And when you said the tests weren’t for you, I was disappointed.”

“What happened to Gage I never want children Ryan?” I gasped.

“I met you,” he answered.

“I’m blown away,” I admitted.

“We’ve never talked about it, and we really should. Do you want children, Morgan?”

I swallowed nervously before answering. “I would love to have at least one.”

He considered that and then nodded. “Then we’ll start with one.”

I was so stunned it took me a few seconds to form words. “You’re full of surprises.”

“I’m sure there will be plenty more to come,” he laughed before he reached out and pulled me in for a kiss.

I melted into him with a smile. He never ceased to surprise me, and I loved it.Twenty-NineGageMorgan’s suggestion that she move back into her condo had been the swift kick in the ass that I’d needed to make things more permanent between us. Her admission that she loved me and wanted to continue living together hadn’t been enough. And if that hadn’t driven it home for me, my reaction when I thought she was pregnant would’ve. I wanted forever. In order to get it, I asked Shawn to set up an appointment for something I never thought I’d do in my lifetime. But here I was, sitting across from Lorraine Schwartz—one of the most popular jewelers on the red carpet—going over engagement ring options.

“Do you have a preference for the cut or size of the stone?”

I scanned the collections of diamond rings she’d laid out on my dining room table and pointed at one of the displays. “I think these are more Morgan’s style.”